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SOLVED: IPSec VPN, Radius. Distinguishing user groups

Hi, After successfully configuring various types of VPN I' m left with a puzzle. In the organization we have several different types of user (administrative, technical and so on). They are split into differet AD groups (VPN-Admin, VPN-Tech). So far so good. I need to allow access based on these groups VPN-Admin should be allowed only access to VPN-Tech should be allowed access to Am I right in assuming this would entail configuring 2 distinct RADIUS connetions to the same NPS server? They could be evaluated differently based on NAS IP/Called Station ID (i.e. one would be called VPN-Admin and one VPN-Tech). The NPS CRP would then evaluate this field and grant/deny access based on user membership. Also there would need to be created equally many VPN Phase 1/2 definitions and policies. It seems quite complex, and if I' m somehow missing something that makes assigning user rights simpler, please let me know. Sincerely Mikkel
-- Mikkel Andreasen
-- Mikkel Andreasen

hi Mikkel, another easier approach is interface your AD through LDAP. You could Xauth (phase1 setting) against it and give appropiate rights to your users based on their credentials. There' re many examples in this forum with similar scenarios to look for. regards


/ Abel

regards / Abel

Hi Thank you for the suggestion. I went ahead and tried LDAP authentication with the following config
 Company_Fortigate_~ # show user ldap
 config user ldap
     edit " Company_LDAP_IT_Teknik" 
         set server " IP.of.LDAP.Server" 
         set cnid " sAMAccountName" 
         set dn " DC=domain,DC=local" 
         set type regular
         set username " CN=LdapAccount,CN=users,DC=domain,DC=local" 
         set password ENC EncryptedPassword
         set filter " (&(objectcategory=user)(memberOf=CN=VPNUSERS,OU=Groups,OU=Company,DC=domain,DC=Local))" 
But all users, regardless of group membership are permitted to login - that should no be the case.
 Company_Fortigate_~ # diag test auth ldap Company_LDAP_IT_Teknik administrator LongAndDifficultPasswordWhichHasBeenRemoved!
 authenticate ' administrator'  against ' Company_LDAP_IT_Teknik'  succeeded!
Login through FortClient works just fine as well It appears to be exactly the same situation as referenced in this post I need to be able to [ol]
  • Restrict users from logging in through VPN
  • Restrict access once logged in (based on group membership [/ol] Am I going about this the wrong way? Sincerely Mikkel Andrease
  • -- Mikkel Andreasen
    -- Mikkel Andreasen
    New Contributor

    Hi, If this is remote access VPN you can do SSL VPN tunnel mode. This is assuming you are using V4 MR2. The key here is to be able to assign different IP ranges to SSL VPN users depending on which group they belong. Once you get this working its a matter of defining firewall policies to allow different ip ranges access to your internal network. Access to the Internal network via Tunnel Mode SSL VPN is controlled by SSL.ROOT---> Internal firewall policy You do not need 2 distinct radius connections just 1 will do. What you will need are two NPS policies for your various groups. First define your radius communications under User--> Remote--> radius Create SSL VPN portals for different types of user groups needing different types of access. You create portals under VPN-->SSL--Portal You add a Tunnel Mode Widget to your portal. Now edit the Tunnel-Mode widget and you should be able to see " IP Pools" where you can assign a different ip range for your users. You then create firewall policies under SSL.Root---> Internal you can now control access to internal by specifying the ip ranges on the source address of the firewall policy. Create your User group User---> User Group add remote authentication servers ( radius server), you should be able to specify the AD group the user belongs to. Assign the SSL VPN portal for this group. " check allow SSL VPN access" the choose the portal.

    Hi, I got most of that already setup... Though I' m only on FortiOS 3 MR6 P6 - will that limit me? What I got so far is 1. Working SSL (including tunnel mode) 2. 2 distinct user groups (one LDAP/RADIUS and one local firewall users) assigned IP address from distinct ranges. These IP ranges have different policies applied. I would prefer to use RADIUS as we already use that for Wifi access. What I need to complete this - I think - is to be able to assign user groups based on the RADIUS authentication. This is where NPS comes into play. Sure I can design various NPS policies based on user groups, but what I' m missing is translating those groups into " User groups" on the firewall. Gotta go - meeting with the boss... Sincerely Mikkel Andreasen
    -- Mikkel Andreasen
    -- Mikkel Andreasen

    I' m not sure if this is available on your firmware version. config user group edit " SSL_group" set group-type firewall set authtimeout 0 set http-digest-realm ' ' set sslvpn-portal " full-access" set member " AD_radius" config match edit 0 set server-name AD_radius set group-name VPN-Tech end end I think this is what you need " config match edit 0 set server-name AD_radius set group-name VPN-Tech "

    Thank you very much - Unfortunately I don' t seem to have the options of specifying corresponding AD groups
    # set
     group-type                type of user group
     sslvpn-tunnel             Enable/disable SSLVPN tunnel
     sslvpn-tunnel-startip     Start IP in IP pool
     sslvpn-tunnel-endip       End IP in IP pool
     sslvpn-split-tunneling    Enable/disable SSLVPN split tunneling
     sslvpn-webapp             Enable/disable SSLVPN web application
     sslvpn-http               Enable/disable SSLVPN http/https proxy
     sslvpn-telnet             Enable/disable SSLVPN telnet
     sslvpn-ftp                Enable/disable SSLVPN ftp
     sslvpn-samba              Enable/disable SSLVPN SMB/CIFS
     sslvpn-vnc                Enable/disable SSLVPN vnc
     sslvpn-rdp                Enable/disable SSLVPN rdp
     sslvpn-portal-heading     SSLVPN portal heading message
     sslvpn-client-check       SSLVPN Client security checking
     sslvpn-os-check           Enable/disable SSLVPN OS check
     sslvpn-cache-cleaner      Enable/disable SSLVPN cache cleaner
     sslvpn-bookmarks-group    SSLVPN bookmarks group
     redir-url                 SSLVPN Client login redirect URL
     member                    set group members
    So both suggested options would appear to be unavailable in OS3MR6 :-( Gotta go talk to somebody about upgrading... Sincerely Mikkel Andreasen
    -- Mikkel Andreasen
    -- Mikkel Andreasen

    Hi, just as a hint as I have no RADIUS server here to test: According to the Auth Guide for FortiOS 3.00 MR7, you can define a RADIUS instance to use a Fortigate user group attribute:
    config user radius edit <server_name> set all-usergroup disable ... set server <primary_ip_address> set secret <primary_password> set use-group-for-profile <group_profile_select> end
    As you can define up to 10 RADIUS instances you could bind up to 10 user groups to the same server. You' d have to experiment with this a bit I guess.
    Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
    Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
    New Contributor

    Well, I keep working on this, but not having much luck. Today I' ve spent some time with Wireshark running to see if that would get me anywhere. The part with " set use-group-for-profile" is not sent to the Radius server (according to my wireshark dumps). The I came across this post It looks like exactly what I need, but, alas, I cannot get it to work. My configuration is as follows
    Company_Fortigate_~ (LDAPSERVER) # Company_Fortigate_~ (LDAPSERVER) # show config user ldap edit " LDAPSERVER" set server " LDAPSERVER.DOMAIN.local" set cnid " sAMAccountName" set dn " OU=Company,DC=DOMAIN,DC=local" set type regular set username " ldapforti" set password ENC xXNEEZwa7UWa9j0EW8KnPplqfJ7blLDuj5y8xFFZOMSl8ZXEKaW1TzXVBeElUwpEV088Kc0Nhv3432430hLAEIs3Sn23v3PPPsG2LuG+XpE7td5ZqS87fL set group " CN=VPN-Company-Konsulent,OU=Company,DC=DOMAIN,DC=local" set filter " (&(objectCategory=CN=Group,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=DOMAIN,DC=local)(member=*))" next end
    But no matter what user I attempt to authenticate with I' m allowed access. Regardless of groupmembership. Looking at the Wireshark dumps I was puzzled by two things 1. that the name of the group never appeared 2. all LDAP binds are of type " simple" as opposed to " regular" In the beginnging I had an error in the " set filter" line (wrong domain name), and all authentication was working just fine... I don' t get it... /mikkel
    -- Mikkel Andreasen
    -- Mikkel Andreasen

    Eureka! At long last it has been resolved! I now have multiple LDAP querys towards several domains with group filtering and I can move forward setting up the correct policies (most are in place). Now I need to start designing SSL Tunnel VPN subnet and routing, but that will most likely be left to someone else. The final, working configuration was
    config user ldap edit " LDAP-COMPANY-Konsulent" set server " IP.ADDRESS.OF.DC" set cnid " sAMAccountName" set dn " DC=DOMAIN,dc=local" set type regular set username " CN=Ldapforti,OU=COMPANY,DC=DOMAIN,DC=local" set password ENCODEDPASSWORD set group " CN=VPNGROUP,OU=COMPANY,DC=DOMAIN,DC=local" next END
    Which I thought I had attempted several times, but apparently took a while to finally nail down... live and learn. Thank you all for you assistance and patience! /mikkel
    -- Mikkel Andreasen
    -- Mikkel Andreasen

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