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New Contributor II

SIP in nat configuration problem

We have a fortinet firewall: FortiGate 311B Firmware Version v5.2.3,build670 (GA) [Update] We are working in NAT configuration Poort 1 is used for management. Poort 2 is uplink to outside world The other ports are aggregated in one pipe with each of them having there own small subnet. third digit representing the port number. Registration is not ok, due to NAT problem I attached : public ip on the internet side. : local ip assigned to ALU equipment Fortinet firewall should do the NAT to translate the IP.  Attached trace is taken on the ALU equipment, public ip should not be seen in SIP reply messages sent to ALU equipment.  See packet 4 in register_nok_fortinet_problem.pcap  In packet 4 the ip in the contact header from the public side should be replaced by isam IP again. Now it is : sip.Contact == "<sip:01150900027@>;expires=120" It should be replaced by : sip.Contact == "<sip:01150900027@>;expires=120" SIP session Helper is disabled.

It seems the private IP is not translated anymore into the public ip. On the internet side we can see I expect the public internet ip would always be used at internet side.


Are we missing somehow a parameter in the configuration or is this still some firmware problem?

New Contributor

If NAT is enabled in policy and you see an actual packet the contains your local lan IP, it is your pbx that sends it that way.

Had same issue with Asterisk. ISP told pbx is sending packets that contain internal IP, dunno which setting that is in asterisk itself as I'm only managing firewalls. 

New Contributor II


Thanks for your response.


So if NAT is enabled, this is what is supposed to happen? I have a debug output below.


G311B3910600789 # config vdom


FG311B3910600789 (vdom) # edit voice

edit voice

current vf=voice:1


FG311B3910600789 (voice) # diag debug flow filter saddr


FG311B3910600789 (voice) # diag debug flow show function-name en

show function name


FG311B3910600789 (voice) # diag debug flow show console en

show trace messages on console


FG311B3910600789 (voice) # diag debug en


FG311B3910600789 (voice) # diag debug flow trace start


FG311B3910600789 (voice) # id=20085 trace_id=8 func=print_pkt_detail line=4378 msg="vd-voice received a packet(proto=17,> from port5. "

id=20085 trace_id=8 func=resolve_ip_tuple_fast line=4437 msg="Find an existing session, id-00b61ad7, original direction"

id=20085 trace_id=8 func=__ip_session_run_tuple line=2523 msg="SNAT>"

id=20085 trace_id=8 func=__ip_session_run_tuple line=2574 msg="run helper-sip(dir=original)"


Kind regards


Esteemed Contributor III

Is  your problem SIP registration or NAT? I think you need to clear that, but what I'm guessing is the SIP fixup for the registration is showing the inside  10net address and this is why your SIP-registration is failing.


Do you have a voice profile defined and  in used on the policy ?






PCNSE NSE StrongSwan
New Contributor II


I believe the SIP registration is failing because of a NAT problem, but you're right, I need to clarify this.


Please keep an eye on this post whilst I go over a few things and talk to a few people.


Thank you very much for your help




New Contributor

Miata wrote:


I believe the SIP registration is failing because of a NAT problem, but you're right, I need to clarify this.


Please keep an eye on this post whilst I go over a few things and talk to a few people.


Thank you very much for your help




If you see in flow trace that fortigate does NAT for your pbx it only means that registration fails. And that is setting on pbx itself.

New Contributor II

Good stuff,


So where can I go from here?




New Contributor

Miata wrote:

Good stuff,


So where can I go from here?




Your PBX config... I cannot help config it, I've no knowledge in those.

Not to mention that there quite a few of those in market :)

If it's asterisk pbx I'd start with sip.conf and their wiki/forum.

Esteemed Contributor III

Haven't done a lot  with SIP-REGISTER & fortigate,  but I would dump the sip method register for the UAC and see what's being sent. It probably need fixup



username@x.x.x.x ( private address ) ------changed----> username@y.y.y.y ( public address ) or something to that nature.



  Contact: <sip:socpup@;rinstance=f5e952fda8e9a7b2>             Contact URI: sip:socpup@;rinstance=f5e952fda8e9a7b2                 Contact URI User Part: socpup                 Contact URI Host Part:                 Contact URI Host Port: 49318                 Contact URI parameter: rinstance=f5e952fda8e9a7b2         To: <>


The private parts in the SIP header needs to be fixup to match the public NAT address.  So start taking dump b4 and after nat.






PCNSE NSE StrongSwan
New Contributor II

Thanks for your responses guys.


We have a NAT problem which has consequences on registrations and on calls.

We installed the Fortinet Firewall to hide our network to the public internet. So I believe that on our network we should only see our local IP addresses and on the public internet we should only see public IP addresses.


Isamv (ALU box) is connected to Fortinet Firewall via a local network. Our ALU box only is aware of local ip, internet ip are unknown for this box. So all messages (H248 or SIP) send from our box use local ip.

Fortinet Firewall is connected to the public internet. On the public internet other devices are connected but they only are aware of the public ip applied on the fortinet firewall.


So, our problem is simple. We want our fortinet firewall to make sure local ip stay local and public ip stay on the internet. We have a mirror between our box and the fortinet firewall. Regularly a public ip address  inside a SIP or an H248 message is appearing on our local network. . We have also a mirror between the fortinet firewall and the internet. Regularly our local IP address is appearing on the internet inside a SIP or an H248 message.


Can you help to check the software or our configuration in order the NAT is done as expected?

This problem has also impact on our customers.


Kind regards,


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