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New Contributor III

Remove HA Cluster

SW INFO: -FortiOS 6.2.2 Eval License


I want to ask simple question.

How to remove HA cluster from CLI (I think can't do from GUI) beside factoryreset or revision restore


tq UPDATE1: -can be solved by make it Standalone

To get a proper answer you want, you need to explain how your HA setup looks like. Is it only two unit a-p or a-a setup? And want to break them and operate only one? Breaking HA is as simple as making one of them a standalone or even just disconnecting the heartbeat cable(s). But some consequences will follow because both of them would start acting as own master/standalone without considering the other side.

New Contributor III

That interesting answer

My scenario are

1 Master and 1 Slave

mode a-p


STEPS TAKEN: 1. create FW1 as master

2. join FW2 as member of HA Cluster

3. now FW2 become slave

4. I disjoint FW2 form cluster

here I haven't make FW2 as standalone

5. change FW1 from master to standalone



1. is that right procedure to remove cluster in a-p mode

2. what is the right procedure in a-a mode


even just disconnecting the heartbeat cable(s). But some consequences will follow because both of them would start acting as own master/standalone without considering the other side

 do you mean split brain, if just diconnecting HeartBeat?

Yes, of course. Did you mean "isolating FW2 network-wise" by "disjoin FW2"? Then, you should be fine.

New Contributor

1/ disable the HA interfaces of the primary fortigate
2/ change the ip address of one of the fortigates to make the difference
3/ change the HA mode to Standalone in both fortigates


Before anybody tries a simple 'set ha-mode standalone' in a production environment, watch out! You need to isolate the slave unit from the network(s) first, either by shutting it down ('exec shut' in slave CLI), or by pulling all cables. Otherwise, you will have 2 routers/firewalls on the net with identical IP addresses and MAC addresses (a.k.a. 'split brain').


Explictely, disabling the/all HA interface(s) will lead to chaos if both units are still fully connected to the networks.

Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

Yes, you have reason.


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