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Quarantine settings- everyday send report to users about e-mails in spam (total amount).

Hello colleagues.

I want to send a report to all my users about all messages being in spam for example once per day  one hour before the end of the working day.


How to implement it?




just following the book, editing your protected domain/s, i.e.:




/ Abel

regards / Abel
New Contributor

Good day Abel. Thank for your answer/ I know about this settings, but that's not exactly what I want. This is the generation of notifications and new letters in quarantine. I want the user to receive at the end of day a report on all letters in quarantine. For example i receive spam e-mail forti in end of the hour send me notification about e-mail in quarantine, but, in next hour if i receive spam e-mail system say me only about this new e-mail in quarantine and there will be no mention of an old letter which is also in quarantine. ________________________ In the previous system proofpoint, such functionality was and it was very convenient for all my users. ________________________ Sorry for my English.    


Bravnik wrote:

Thank for your answer/ I know about this settings, but that's not exactly what I want. This is the generation of notifications and new letters in quarantine.

Maybe I don't understand your problem; but if you configure send quarantine report once a day (at the end of the day if you want to), you'll have all the mail catched as spam by FML between the last report and this new one.




/ Abel

regards / Abel

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