ha ha, Istvan circumvented the problem very cleverly!
The second VIP HAS to be port forwarding as well as the first one, or you will get a " duplicate IP" warning. VIP do not follow the top-down policy ordering (as they do a lot more than just NAT, for example proxy ARP).
So, in fact, I think you can do with 3 VIPs:
policy 1: VIP port 443->8543
policy 2: VIP port [1-442]->[1-442]
policy 2: VIP port [444-1023]->[444-1023]
Thank you lightmoon1992 for the hint to use port ranges.
Note that you will only get TCP/UDP through these VIPs, no ICMP/ping for example. Only non-port forwarding VIPs can do that.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!