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Port 1000/tcp cadlock and port 1003/tcp unknown open?

Hi, I am fairly new to the fortigate systems and am looking after a FortiWifi 60 AM, i just noticed that two ports are open (nmap scan): 1000/tcp cadlock 1003/tcp unknown not sure what cadlock is and if it is related to ? no one at this location seems to use this service. is this something i should worry about, i do not remember noticing these ports being open the last time i checked and to be honest don' t know where i could would go about closing them via the management area. if someone could point me into the right direction of reading material for this unit as i have no manual that would be great as well, if this has already been posted somewhere else my apologies as i did do a search but could not find anything related.
Forti Wifi 60am - FWF60M-3.00-FW-build158-060126
Forti Wifi 60am - FWF60M-3.00-FW-build158-060126

Hi, welcome to the forums. You get documentation, the FortiOS Handbook and the FortiOS Cookbook on Please do a search on the Fortinet Knowledgebase ( for " ports used" or the such to find out about these open ports. I never noticed these. I suppose you were scanning from the ' internal' port side.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
New Contributor

Thanks for the info Ede! The ports are visible both from Lan and Wan as i scan from both sides. I have now been told by a fortigate user that those ports are normal and show up on all the fortigate units apparently. Will start to read up on the links you have supplied.
Forti Wifi 60am - FWF60M-3.00-FW-build158-060126
Forti Wifi 60am - FWF60M-3.00-FW-build158-060126

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