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Packaging SSL VPN Client With Custom Scripts

Hey All, Does anyone have any ideas on how to deploy the Forticlient SSL VPN with custom scripts that run once the SSL VPN has connected? I' m looking to provide or remote workers to check their workstations in with our AV and patching systems once connected to the corporate LAN.

Fortigate 200D HA A/P Cluster FAZ VM

Fortigate 200D HA A/P Cluster FAZ VM
New Contributor III

maybe you want to do it the other way around - Have the script start the SSL-VPN and do whatever it should do. FortiSSLVPNclient.exe /help gives you some directions. -R.
New Contributor

Thanks for the suggestion. Right after I posted the original question, I decided to check the .exe for possible command line usage and noticed the switches. connect disconnect [[-h <sslvpn server>][:<port>]] [[-u <sslvpn username>][:<password>]] So now the question is, does anyone know how to create a script that will ask for user input (password) in a dialog, and then pass the collected information to the fortiSSLVPNclient.exe. The SSL VPN server will be hardcoded, and the username will be the %username% system variable. I was looking at the following script example, but need some assistance in getting it to work. I was thinking on using the command, but don' t know how to pass the strPw variable to the command.
strPw = GetPassword( " Please enter your logon password:"  )
 Function GetPassword( myPrompt )
 '  This function uses Internet Explorer to
 '  create a dialog and prompt for a password.
 '  Argument:   [string] prompt text, e.g. " Please enter password:" 
 '  Returns:    [string] the password typed in the dialog screen
 '  Written by Rob van der Woude
     Dim objIE
     '  Create an IE object
     Set objIE = CreateObject( " InternetExplorer.Application"  )
     '  specify some of the IE window' s settings
     objIE.Navigate " about:blank" 
     objIE.Document.Title = " SSL VPN Password" 
     objIE.ToolBar        = False
     objIE.Resizable      = False
     objIE.StatusBar      = False
     objIE.Width          = 320
     objIE.Height         = 180
     '  Center the dialog window on the screen
     With objIE.Document.ParentWindow.Screen
         objIE.Left = (.AvailWidth  - objIE.Width ) \ 2
         objIE.Top  = (.Availheight - objIE.Height) \ 2
     End With
     '  Wait till IE is ready
     Do While objIE.Busy
         WScript.Sleep 200
     '  Insert the HTML code to prompt for a password
     objIE.Document.Body.InnerHTML = " <DIV align=" " center" " ><P>"  & myPrompt _
                                   & " </P>"  & vbCrLf _
                                   & " <P><INPUT TYPE=" " password" "  SIZE=" " 20" "  "  _
                                   & " ID=" " Password" " ></P>"  & vbCrLf _
                                   & " <P><INPUT TYPE=" " hidden" "  ID=" " OK" "  "  _
                                   & " NAME=" " OK" "  VALUE=" " 0" " >"  _
                                   & " <INPUT TYPE=" " submit" "  VALUE=" "  OK " "  "  _
                                   & " OnClick=" " VBScript:OK.Value=1" " ></P></DIV>" 
     '  Make the window visible
     objIE.Visible = True
     '  Wait till the OK button has been clicked
     Do While objIE.Document.All.OK.Value = 0
         WScript.Sleep 200
     '  Read the password from the dialog window
     GetPassword = objIE.Document.All.Password.Value
     '  Close and release the object
     Set objIE = Nothing
 End Function

Fortigate 200D HA A/P Cluster FAZ VM

Fortigate 200D HA A/P Cluster FAZ VM
New Contributor

Does anyone currently run any scripts after the SSL VPN client is connected? I' m having issues with getting my scripts to run, as the SSLVPN .exe does not terminate while its connected. Because it does not terminate, I cannot run any other scripts after the connection is established.

Fortigate 200D HA A/P Cluster FAZ VM

Fortigate 200D HA A/P Cluster FAZ VM
New Contributor

Hi, I'm looking for a solution like the one you implemented... but I have some doubts. 1.- What version of VPN client to use for that 2.- With that solution you could ensure that the user could not deactivate the custom scripts that you configured Thank you


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