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PPPoE with Fortigate-30D doesn't work

Hello together,

I have configured a Fortigate-30D wirh PPPoE on the WAN interface. The PPP Dial-In doesn't work. In the attached trace I only see that the peer is terminating my session after checking the login credentials.  As modem I use a dlink router in bridged mode. When I configure the dlink router in routing mode and put in the login credentials, the pppoe dialin is working immedately. The provider confirmed that the login credentials are correct, too. I have tried to authenticate with CHAP instead of PAP, but the the peer refuses and tells me to use PAP. Does anyone has an idea, what is wrong? Or some experience with the provider Redtone in Malaysia? I have the same pppoe configuration for fortigates in Germany and Australia, there it works without any trouble.  Thanks, Judit



#diag debug application ppp 3 id=29013 logdesc="PPPD started" msg="pppd is started" using channel 951 Using interface ppp1 Connect: ppp1 <--> wan Parent: pppoed PPP send: LCP Configure_Request id(1) len(14) [Maximum_Received_Unit 1492] [Magic_Number 6BDF0463] PPP recv: LCP Configure_Ack id(1) len(14) [Maximum_Received_Unit 1492] [Magic_Number 6BDF0463] PPP recv: LCP Configure_Request id(2) len(18) [Maximum_Received_Unit 1492] [Authentication_Protocol PAP] [Magic_Number C3425EE6] PPP send: LCP Configure_Ack id(2) len(18) [Maximum_Received_Unit 1492] [Authentication_Protocol PAP] [Magic_Number C3425EE6] PPP send: LCP Echo_Request id(0) len(8) [Magic_Number 6bdf0463] PPP send: PAP 01 01 00 25 19 31 33 30 30 30 30 33 34 33 40 62 69 7a 2e 72 65 64 74 6f 6e 65 2e 63 6f 6d 06 37 30 39 31 39 39 --> Authentication_Request id(1) peerid(len=25, passwd(len=6, xxxxxx) PPP recv: LCP Echo_Reply id(0) len(8) [Magic_Number c3425ee6] PPP recv: LCP Termiate_Request id(3) len(4) LCP terminated by peer PPP send: LCP Terminate_Ack id(3) len(4) Modem hangup Connection terminated. id=29014 logdesc="PPPD exiting" msg="pppd is exiting"

Esteemed Contributor III

Suggestion tips


I'm assuming you rekey the credentials?


Is the interface MTU correct ? ( not sure if MTU would effect  PAP )


Can you  downgrade the  fortigate?






PCNSE NSE StrongSwan
New Contributor

I have the solution now, it is a specific configuration: You have to tag the wan interface with vlanid 620 when you use redtone as provider.


Thanks a lot for the follow-up!

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