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No matching log data for this report (Web Filtering)

Hi dear All,

I have 13 Fortigate devices and one upgraded FortiAnalyzer 1000C v5.4.3-build1187 170518 (GA) in production. I have one Fortigate 1000C v5.4.3,build1111 (GA), some Fortigate 60D and 60C devices running with FortiOS 5.0.x and 5.2.x, I also have 60E devices running with FortiOs 5.4.x. All those firewalls send logs to the FortiAnalyzer for reporting. After upgraded my FortiAnalyzer, I am no more able to get some Web Filtering reports such as :

- Top 20 Most Active Users

- Top 10 Online Users

- Top Web Users by Browsing Time

- Top 50 Sites By Browsing Time

- Top 20 Most Visited Categories

- Top 10 Categories

- Browsing Time Summary

For all these reports I get the same error message "No matching log data for this report". I am really frustated and don't understand why I am no more able to have these reports after upgrading the FortiAnalyzer. I rebuilt Analyzer SQL database but there is still not such reports.


LOG SETTINGS OF FGT60D v5.0,build0292 (GA Patch 9)

config log setting
    set brief-traffic-format disable
    set daemon-log disable
    set fwpolicy-implicit-log disable
    set fwpolicy6-implicit-log disable
    set gui-location fortianalyzer
    set local-in-allow enable
    set local-in-deny enable
    set local-out enable
    set log-invalid-packet disable
    set log-user-in-upper disable
    set neighbor-event disable
    set resolve-apps enable
    set resolve-hosts enable
    set resolve-ip disable
    set resolve-port enable
    set user-anonymize disable


Any idea ? Please Help me understand and fix this issue !





Andrei OLAGO Network & System Engineer
Andrei OLAGO Network & System Engineer

Hi Andrei,


Please check if you can see web filter logs under log view->security->web filter

If no logs there, please check web filter profile on FGT, Enable "FortiGuard Catgories", change "Allow" to "Monitor".





Hi Hz,


Thanks for your advice, I can see Web Filter Logs in FAZ 1000C device and I already changed "Allow" to "Monitor" in Web Filter Profil. What I don't understand is the fact that with FAZ 1000C v5.0, I can get Charts like Top Users and Top Websites by Browsing Time with only "Allow" option enabled instead of "Monitor". Now after upgraded FAZ 1000C to FortiOS 5.4 it is no more giving such details.

Do you know how many time it will take to get these changes impacted on Web Filter Charts ?

Andrei OLAGO Network & System Engineer
Andrei OLAGO Network & System Engineer

Hi Andrei,


I have to check log files on your FAZ. Could you please open a FortiCare ticket and post the ticket number here? I will follow that ticket.





Hi dear HZ,


Thanks for your help, it took some time but now I able to get Wel Filtering details I want.

Andrei OLAGO Network & System Engineer
Andrei OLAGO Network & System Engineer
New Contributor



I am facing a similar issue with a customer. Not all reports are generating logs and webfilters are either set to block or to monitor. Did you just have to wait for a long while after performing the upgrade of your analyzer or did you actually make some changes?





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