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Need help. Link speed slow

Hello, I just got a Time warner cable 50Mb up and 5Mb down internet conncetion. when connected to a laptop the speed is 50/5 but when I' m connection to the WAN port I get 2Mb up and down. I cannot find anything wrong. Help

Maybe there is something wrong on your FortiGate setting. You can Factory Reset your FortiGate and then re-configure it.
New Contributor

Reseting would be a pain since it' s got lots of configs. I hade a WAN2 link that is down because of the NY storm. I simply unpluged the cable, plugged the new ISP cable and changed the IP. I' m completely baffeled. The link works but it' s too slow. 2Mb max.
Valued Contributor III

Check the duplex setting on the interface. If there is a mismatch, the speed would suffer.
 FGT # diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic <interface_name>
<aside> I here ya on the storms.... I live in Huntington. I only got power back Saturday evening. 12 days... The last 10 with a generator droning outside my back door... Thank God I could borrow and buy one.</aside>

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
New Contributor II

ORIGINAL: rwpatterson Check the duplex setting on the interface. If there is a mismatch, the speed would suffer.
 FGT # diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic <interface_name>
If I do this on i.e. a 50B I might detect a duplex mismatch if collisions counter is incrementing. Where can I see this counter on a 60C or 200B (diag hard dev nic wan1 does not show it)?


New Contributor

Found the issue. there was a traffic shaper configured in one of the policies. Too many policies. My bad. I have another issue. Posting a new thread in a few. Verizon is still down so I' m twisting everything around to optimize Internet access since the storm. It' s hard since I' m off site.
Valued Contributor III

In the version 4 GUI, you could add that column to the list in the firewall policy window. Additionally you should change the default class of service from high to medium.
config system global
     set tos-based-priority medium

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
New Contributor

Nice. TY New issue:
Honored Contributor

Typing " diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic" into the CLI will give you a list of network interfaces, similar to the following output... The following NICs are available: dmz1 dmz2 internal wan1 wan2

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C
New Contributor II

ok, I typed " diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic" + the appropriate port this is not my problem The output does not show the line " collisions"


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