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NSE7 Pass???

Hello, I've been working exclusively with FortiGates, FortiAnalyzers, FortiManagers, FortiMail, FortiAPs as well as FortiAuthenticator for over 12 years. Installed and supported hundreds of devices and in that time only raised maybe 20 support tickets of which several were bug finds.. I've carried the FCNSP as well as the FCESP, FCNSA and FCNSPv5 .. now that Fortinet has moved to the NSE standard I've failed for the very first time on NSE7. Now I don't expect to be handed an accreditation for no work but I studied hard for this as well as taken two courses on it. The Fortinet practice exams and felt confident going into the exam. I've had colleagues that have also found this an extremely difficult exam and have failed.

I can see and agree with Fortinet raising the standard of there accreditations but find this level astonishing. Can I get some feedback on those that have passed and your thoughts on this, please.. Thank you 

New Contributor



Which exam did you try ?

NSE7 troubleshooting exam or NSE7 Entreprise Firewall Exam ?

Exams questions are always very very close to the content of official trainings & labs.

You must deeply understand and learn all the slides and comments.

Then, try to answer practice exam from the NSE Institute.


If you look for dumps online, be careful as all answers are very often wrong.

I advise you to study and find your own answers to those dumps.


Best of luck !



Thanks, Max Troubleshooting which was on v5.2 and is no longer available. Enterprise is on v5.4 my colleague took that one twice and failed. For years troubleshooting from the CLI and Event Logs has been fine. I agree we must have a deep understanding of this level of support but can't say I have in my 12 years needed or ever felt short of knowledge necessary to solve any problem I've come across. You must admit that the difference in the two highest accreditations FCNSP and NSE7 is phenomenal.

this doesn't mean I'll give up just that I question the sudden change in expectations on Fortinet's required level of competence and whether it is necessary.  



Valued Contributor

without giving any information is it possible to share why you failed? was it the new functionality or the type of questions or ...?

Valued Contributor

I first sat the NSE7 exam cold without studying anything and failed miserably.


I did the NSE7 online training course and sat the exam the day after and passed (finished in 30mins). Did about an hour study every night after each day to help prepare.


I'd highly recommend doing the training if possible as the breadth of info is quite large and the course goes through everything you need.


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