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Multiple Gateways

We have just upgraded to Version 2.8 of the Fortigate OS. We used to be able to have 2 gateways setup per static route as we have both a leased line and ADSL connection running at the same time. This feature no longer seems to be available, as we would like to do source routing and our web browsing traffic out our ADSL line. Can this still be done?
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there is an aysmetric l2 pdf on the support site
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so, we' re really talking about fallback routes, rather than multiple routes?
New Contributor III

We are talking here about BOTH fallback AND policy routes. I reinitiated a relevent thread here: [link][/link] Thank you for pointing to the Tech Note about assymetric routing. VA
New Contributor

I must be reading this wrong, to me, enabling this willl break it, not fix it. With the description in the CLI Guide; Enable or disable support for asymmetric routing. (default is disabled) Using asymmetric routing, packets that are part of the same session travel different routes and pass through different gateways. Therefore, having the session traffic pass back to the wrong source interface will effectively break it, not fix it. To have two internet connections, you would need to have a primary & secondary gateways (or two with the same metric in v2.8). This will allow the unit to return the session packets back through the interface it originated. Or am i just getting confused here.
UK Based Technical Consultant FCSE v2.5 FCSE v2.8 FCNSP v3 Specialising in Systems, Apps, SAN Storage and Networks, with over 25 Yrs IT experience.
UK Based Technical Consultant FCSE v2.5 FCSE v2.8 FCNSP v3 Specialising in Systems, Apps, SAN Storage and Networks, with over 25 Yrs IT experience.
New Contributor III

Hi UkWizard, I started a new thread related to the issue here: [link][/link] VA
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Hi, We are tyring to do the same thing - but send mail out external interface (with ISDN) and all else out DMZ interface (with DSL line). Tried using policy based routing but no luck! Seems like it should be straightforward enough. I swear if we have to downgrade this customer again I will blow the lid! CM.
New Contributor III

This thread has been initiated more than two months ago and is the most visited in the " routing" forum. But it is quiet here now. There was one generally available maintenance release during this timeframe and some interim releases not pulished on the public ftp; did they fix the problem? Or maybe someone found a workaround? VA
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Hi I have too the same routing problems with ppoe interface. We have dual ISP, FG60 v280-build219. WAN1 is static IP and WAN2 is ppoe. Through WAN2 I want to pass only IP address range All Other trafic through WAN1. Tryed diferent configs, but no luck (or did not find that workaround to overcome one more problem ). FG does not route as the normal router should, or I am a dump engineer [:' (]

Hi there Well... ...there is no workaround or fix yet, and the case is still opened at fortigate support, thell ask a question and then does nothing for some weeks then ask another question, and so one.. Still, i have learned to live with this problem. Mostly since a ISP failover is not an repeating task (hopfully). The last 2 month i have had 4 live failovers/fallbacks - and every time all my " current sessions" hang for a couple of minutes at the same time all " new sessions" works on the fly. I also have 2 IPSec VPN tunnels, and have managed to make these working during a failover. One with " dual endpoints" towards a Clavister firewall, and one using " LocalID/PEER ID" towards a NetScreen firewall. I also have incoming mail during failover, so now when my ISP fails to deliver internet and failover occurs, i have most of my production up and running in a a few minutes le´ automatic´ quite nice! ..and give my best regards to Mats Sundin in Toronto :)

Johan Lysen Consulting AB Johan Lysen, Byvagen 87, 832 46 FROSON Mobile: +46 70 6009221

Johan Lysen Consulting AB Johan Lysen, Byvagen 87, 832 46 FROSON Mobile: +46 70 6009221

Hello! I have just placed support Ticket for routing issue described above: 20052 Routing to two ISPs - via real IP and PPoE connections I will inform you about case status ;) Arvydas
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