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Long time to connect to internet

Hello, after installing FortiClient my laptop takes a lot of time to connect to internet. A workaround for me could be to avoid Forticlient auto start, but I can' t find how to disable it. Thanks.
New Contributor II

Hi Gianluca, You can do Msconfig: Start > Run > msconfig enter Click the screen Servıces Uncheck the Forticlient > Apply > OK and restart laptop
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Thanks for the answer but it doesn' t work. I have two FortiClient Services: FortiClient Service Scheduler and FortiClient SSL VPN. I can only disable FortiClient SSL VPN (and after rebooting nothing happens: FortiClinet start again and the internet connectio is available after long time) If I try to disable FortiClient Service Scheduler it says: " The parameter is incorrect"
New Contributor II

I guess you can not otherwise be disabled

Hi there, If you are 100% sure that its forticlient is causing slow internet connection I would suggest you uninstall forticlient and when you reinstall just install only the antivirus componet and also look at the following to disable application control 0 6166693
hezvo uko
hezvo uko
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I' m sure. I' m not use the antivirus, I' m only use the VPN
New Contributor II

Then just install the vpn features
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Same problem for me. I only use (and intstalled) the VPN feature and have a very, very slow network connection under Win7 after startup. As soon as I run Forticlient as Admin and shutdown it, the speed is normal again. Does s.o. have a solution? Firewall is Win7 standard, Avira Premium Antivirus, PC is in a SBS2008 Domain Grees Chris
New Contributor III

Is it possible, that you have a domain policy that enables the Windows7 firewall and that you are running 2 firewalls on 1 pc? Check in services that windows firewall is disabled. Cheers, Eric

Rackmount your Fortinet -->


Rackmount your Fortinet -->
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Hi Eric, thanks for your reply. I only use Forticlient VPN, not the Firewall. You' re right, the Win7 FW is enabled, but this should' nt be a problem!? Greets Chris
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