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Intranet internal ip address

I have a public webserver that also has an intranet, my problem is that I need to know the internal computers ip address(local), when an internal users logs in, logs with the fortinet (ip address) I dont know the real user ip. Is there a way to configure this so I can see the users internal real ip? all users from outside (internet) are giving me their real ip address.

Sorry if I keep short now, lots to do. Get the CLI Guide for 4.3 and look up the ' dnstranslation' parameter. Basically, with it' s help the FGT intercepts DNS queries to the specified host and substitutes the internal IP address for the public (VIP) address. Just what you want to have.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Contributor II

Maby I have misunderstood you You have: WAN1: WebServer (direcly connected here, with public backroute ip?) or do you use VIP from WAN2? WAN2: Internett/Public WAN Internal: local clients You want Internal to go directly to Wan1 without NAT?

Fortigate <3

Fortigate <3

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