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Install VMware Tools on Fortigate Virtual Appliance

Is it possible to install VMware Tools on Fortigate Virtual Appliance?
New Contributor III

I could definitely be wrong, but I' m going to guess no. FortiOS is proprietary to Fortinet equipment and VMware tools, to the best of my knowledge, have only been compiled for Windows and certain *nixes.
New Contributor

That sucks How are we going to be able to control the vm within vcenter i wonder?
New Contributor III

VMware tools are not a requirement for vCenter-managed hosts even when using more typical OSs. They are helpful to be sure, but not necessary. You' ll still be able to perform " hard" power-ups and power-downs with the relevant controls within the vSphere Client. Otherwise, your interaction will be basically the same as it would be on a hard appliance... you' ll just have the flexibility and nimbleness of a VM.

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