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New Contributor III

HTTPS sites and YouTube , and Facebook , Can't block them !

HTTPS sites and YouTube , and Facebook , Can't block them ! Greetings to you Dears Really I'm tired from testing all day to block YouTube and Facebook! via foritgate 3240C OS 5.0 What I done! 1- Enable SSL\SSH Inspection 2- application control and block YouTube and Facebook 3- create web fiter and block all Category or block Bandwidth Consuming Category 4- enable all above in Policy for One Computer The results Some time block page come and some time website open normally ! that mean web-filter and application control like doesn't  prevent user from access YouTube or Facebook , they can access normally Please ! How I can solve this problem ? block HTTPS websites and YouTube and Facebook . only website I want it to open is allowed through web url filter attached what I done



by the way I test by using ( ENABLE SSH deep scan ) and I did test also without it so don't tell me to uncheck that !


this is the web filter I eanble web site filter all website block using * wildcard in the bottom

Honored Contributor

Because youtube uses google's wildcard * security certificate and none of our monitored fgt devices use deep inspection (and can not use it), we have to resort to using good old-fashion (FQDN) address firewall blocking, via code similar to the following:


config firewall address
    edit "youtube1"
        set associated-interface "wan1"
        set type fqdn
        set fqdn ""
    edit "youtube2"
        set associated-interface "wan1"
        set type fqdn
        set fqdn ""
    edit "youtube3"
        set associated-interface "wan1"
        set type fqdn
        set fqdn ""
    edit "youtube4"
        set associated-interface "wan1"
        set type fqdn
        set fqdn ""
    edit "youtube5"
        set associated-interface "wan1"
        set type fqdn
        set fqdn ""
    edit "facebook1"
        set associated-interface "wan1"
        set type fqdn
        set fqdn ""
    edit "facebook2"
        set associated-interface "wan1"
        set type fqdn
        set fqdn ""
    edit "facebook3"
        set associated-interface "wan1"
        set type fqdn
        set fqdn ""
    edit "facebook4"
        set associated-interface "wan1"
        set type fqdn
        set fqdn ""
    edit "facebook5"
        set associated-interface "wan1"
        set type fqdn
        set fqdn ""
    edit "facebook6"
        set associated-interface "wan1"
        set type fqdn
        set fqdn ""
config firewall addrgrp
    edit "youtube-group"
        set member "youtube1" "youtube2" "youtube3" "youtube4" "youtube5"
    edit "Facebook-group"
        set member "facebook1" "facebook2" "facebook3" "facebook4" "facebook5" "facebook6"
config firewall policy
    edit 0
        set srcintf "internal_net"
        set dstintf "wan1"
        set srcaddr "All_Internal"
        set dstaddr "youtube-group" "Facebook-group"
        set schedule "always"
        set service "ALL"

        set action deny
        set logtraffic disable


Move firewall rule up in the firewall rule chain so it is before any general HTTP/HTTPS firewall rule.


IMO I wouldn't use this code verbatim (I think one of the FQDN entries for youtube also resolves to an IP for google's search site.)



NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C
New Contributor III


Problem solved !

My setup is completely correct , but the problem is webfilter can't access internet to rating the URL  the DNS is wrong so we just put the correct DNS and webfiter working perfect block youtube and facebook and https websites




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