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New Contributor

HTTPS Block - ONLY YouTube

Okay - forgive me if this has been asked and answered, as I have some fair experience with firewalls, but a newbie with FortiGuard, so looking for some ' step-by-step' instructions that cover a larger range of these units, as we have one 80C, and one 100D, both with v5.0 FW. Issue is we put together a rule to block youtube, but no matter what settings we try (including the SSL Inspection settings, which BTW look like they are ONLY for a Proxy setup with a Web Filter), we can' t seem to block youtube with an https in the URL. As mentioned, if anyone has the FULL steps/settings to get this to work, it' d be greatly appreciated. Again, apologies if this was answered, but I looked and only found references of steps and looking for all steps, although, I just may have missed the post. Thanks
Philly Idol
Philly Idol
New Contributor

Ive tried this with version 5.2.1 It blocked all social networks. Other ways i have tried did not block the youtube link from Does anyone of a way to block only youtube?
Contributor II

With IPS signatures via DNS requests can block YouTube. Would you please test the following IPS signature?
 F-SBID(--name " Youtube.Block" ; --protocol tcp; --dst_port 443; --flow from_client;  --dst_addr ([,,,,,,];)
 F-SBID(--name " Youtube.DNS-Block" ; --protocol udp; --service DNS; --flow from_client; --byte_test 1,<,128,2; --pattern " youtube" ; --context host; --no_case;)
Tuncay BAS
RZK Muhendislik Turkey
Tuncay BASRZK Muhendislik TurkeyFCA,FCP,FCF,FCSS
Honored Contributor

I' m kinda wary about playing around with various google subnet blocks -- grabbing various lists I found on the Internet, in my initial testing, I have accidentally locked my test network out of' main search page (or local version). Though the second signature looks nice and was something I was going to try myself, using bits of info found on this site.

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

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