Hello FortiAdam,
Thanks for the reply and the warm welcome.

As to the cookbook and video, I' ve gone through them both (thanks for those), and the problem is we' re actually working with two different FortiGuard units (I was just informed that there were two locations we had to set this rule up on)
Basically now the fun has really begun, because the one unit is an 80CM, with firmware v4.0-MR3 patch 14, and the other (which is the 100D I was initially working with) has firmware v5.0, but the [GA] release, which apparently removed the ' SSL/SSH Inspection' option from the ' Policy' objects.
I' ve never worked with an 80CM v4.0 unit before, so that one' s a new experience, but now the 100D has options missing that we' re on other 100D' s that I' ve serviced.
Needless to say, my tasks just got a whole lot more interesting, so if you have any ' go here' >create this>add to that' instructions for either unit type, would be much appreciated.
Of course I' m still digging through the cookbook and videos myself, so I' ll definitely drop in what I ended up doing to get t to work.
Thanks much
Philly Idol