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HELP! FortiGate 800D

I am trying to load the HQIP image by tftp in a FortiGate, but it does not show me in the console output the menu "Press any key to display configuration menu..." to configure the parameters and start the transfer







Cold reboot or by command?

The message will only be displayed on the console CLI, not in ssh. If your screenshot indeed shows the serial console, there are a lot of messages missing (RAM, CPUs,...).

Any chance that this is a cluster member?


"Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!"
Ede"Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!"

Try with command and with cold reboot same result, the screenshot is from the CLI console, the output is not showing me the status of RAM, CPUs, etc. as well as the menu to be able to transfer the HQIP image by TFTP.
It was previously a member of a cluster but the device is already formatted with the factoryreset command


You need to connect to the actual console port on the FortiGate, not via SSH to access CLI; you can see (and interrupt) the boot process only via that console connection.
-> check the section 'Console connection', NOT the section 'SSH access'

+++ Divide by Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe and Reboot +++

OP wrote that he's using the "CLI console"...

Anyway, if he's really using the serial connection, then he's not able to conduct the HQIP tests at all. In that case it's an RMA case for Support.


"Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!"
Ede"Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!"

True enough - but I'm coming from the support side and I've had my share of customers who, when mentioning 'CLI console' meant puTTY and SSH, so I wanted to double-check and make sure OP is not running into that issue.

@ehernandez, if you don't have the boot interrupt option on your 800D when connected on console port, open a ticket with Technical Support for their assistance.

+++ Divide by Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe and Reboot +++
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