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Contributor II

Fortinac-F Guest Login

I have prepared a portal to register the user. I add the user to Fortinac by getting the user's information with the API. After the user addition process is finished, I redirect it to the guest login screen. When he enters his username and password on the screen in the first picture, the screen in the 2nd picture comes while he should normally be directly included in the system. Without the screen in the 2nd picture, how can I log in only with the screen in the 1st picture?






Contributor II

Or is there an API that will allow me to get user information and log in automatically?


If the host is already created in FNAC (via API) and it has the MAC address of the host listed as Adapter than next time when this host joins the WiFi network, it should be automatically moved to the guest VLAN. The portal will not be shown and there is no need for a new registration.

- Emirjon
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Contributor II

I don't register the mainframe to Fortinac with the API, I just create a user for the guest group, send the user a username and password via sms and after registration it sends them to the login screen. Here I want the user to connect directly to the network after entering the incoming information, but the user's summary information screen appears. I want the user to register directly without this screen.
Or if there is an api to register the host computer to the system with a 1 day usage time, where can I find it?


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