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New Contributor II

Fortigate 50E Dying. Packet loss and lan ports stop forwarding. Update 2022-02-03 6th unit.

Anybody else seeing a pattern with 50E dying? I had these deployed for about two years. I've had two starting to have packet loss and one that's not forwarding even though port is up. I saw a thread on reddit and this is starting to become a growing concern. I was able to have the client replace two of them but I'm afraid we're going to start seeing more problems with the 50E. Anybody know if we can RMA these still without support? The client is going to lose confidence in Fortinet. This rate of failure is unacceptable.


Update 2022-02-03:

Had another two breaking down. 1 is showing slow speeds. The other one isn't passing traffic even though port is up. 6th 50E broken now.


Update 2022-04-26:

2 more units bad.

New Contributor II

Found two more that are dying. :loudly_crying_face:

New Contributor

I hava also 2 out of 7 with the same error. The problem comes from the Internal Switch (Port 1- Port5). If you use only Port WAN1 and WAN2 there is no Problem. We use WAN2 as Internal LAN, this "fixed" the Problem on both units 

New Contributor

Hi, I have also 2 50E which have the same problem. Is there any solution for this problem now?


New Contributor II

You can try testing port WAN1 and WAN2. 

New Contributor

Thanks for your reply but this is no Option because I need at least 3 interfaces.

New Contributor II

At the moment 2 fgt 50E 1 fwf 30E in the last month with the same problems. For me it's a hardware problem, in fact with a fgt 50e I formatted the boot partition and put firmware 6.2 via TFTP (before 6.2.12) but I have the same problem. Of course the machines have the standard warranty expired... It is definitely no coincidence that all the same models have the same problems. Fortinet should at least say if the problem officially exists and what causes this type of (serious) problem and if there is a solution.

New Contributor

In the last six months, three FG-50E systems have also failed with the same phenomenon. We still have 18 of this model in use, which we now have to replace proactively. Annoying

New Contributor

Now the next 50E has died. So far we've broken 5 out of 18 50Es with this bug. Devices from the batches with the serial numbers FGT50E3U16... and FGT50E3U17.... are affected. We are now initiating RMA processes for 4 devices. It would be nice if Fortinet would make a basic statement about an existing series problem.

New Contributor

I have 2 devices within Serial Range FGT50E561801.... A statemement from fortinet would be  welcome.

New Contributor

I have the same problem with a serial number: FTG50E3U16. At the beginning of the year, the ports became slow, then there were more and more failures, and since last month, nothing works at all. Even resetting the firewall did not help. Unfortunately, the warranty has already expired. This is very frustrating. I expect Fortigate to provide a statement on this issue, as I suspect it is a case of planned obsolescence.


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