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Fortigate 30D Configuration

Hi Guys,


I need to configure a Fortigate 30D with the configuration steps in the link below (80CM):


I don't need the IPTV feature, just internet. Are the steps straight forward as the link? or do I need CLI to program.


Currently the 30D is not with me, thus I cant test.


Thanks for your help.



2 Solutions
Valued Contributor

If you just want the device to grant web access I'd recommend you use the wizard. It will guide you through the most basic steps

View solution in original post

Valued Contributor

AH ok!

In that case the wizard won't quite suffice I fear, but no worries.


Go to System > Network > Interfaces and select Create New

Enter a Name

Type: VLAN

Interface: the connected physical interface

VLAN ID: 500

Configure the rest as needed


This will appear as a normal interface from now on, simply create an Internal to Name policy allowing traffic

View solution in original post

Valued Contributor

If you just want the device to grant web access I'd recommend you use the wizard. It will guide you through the most basic steps


Thanks for the input.


The most important is the WAN (ISP). It needs VLAN500 for PPPoE .


I presume this is not an issue via WEB GUI :)




Valued Contributor

AH ok!

In that case the wizard won't quite suffice I fear, but no worries.


Go to System > Network > Interfaces and select Create New

Enter a Name

Type: VLAN

Interface: the connected physical interface

VLAN ID: 500

Configure the rest as needed


This will appear as a normal interface from now on, simply create an Internal to Name policy allowing traffic


Thank mate for your help. Much appreciated.



New Contributor



I have successfully setup the VLAN 500 for Internet. However, I also need the VLAN 600 for IPTV. I follow this old guide but fail.


I am using Firmware v5.6.1 build1484 (GA).




Where do you fail? Please supply more info, we can't just guess...

Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

I am not familiar with Fortinet, so you can treat me as beginner. Fail means when I open the IPTV box, it cannot connect to TV channel. I do not know how to troubleshoot, so not sure where is the cause of the issue. I guess the main reason it fails because the guide is very old and the GUI or CLI command is not the same with the firmware version I am using, so I have to guess for some of the sections. If you are free to write a step by step guide, GUI or CLI for my firmware version 5.4, then I can follow exactly your guide for configuration. Thanks a lot.

I've read the 'old' KB article. It's still the same even with the current FortiOS versions (5.4, 5.6).

If you follow the instructions, is there any command that is not accepted?

Please post the output from these CLI commands (Console):

- get sys int

- get firewall policy


Mask any private data if necessary.

Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!



The GUI is definitely different from v5.6.1. VDOM has been hidden in v5.6.1, I have researched and try to unhide the VDOM and setup accordingly, but some how, I think I have difficulty for VDOM, not all steps are setup completely.


Another issue if the CLI command "set multicast-skip-policy enable" also fail in v5.6.1. Maybe due to the incomplete VDOM setup above.


Therefore, appreciate if you could screenshoot the guide in v5.6.1 for me. If CLI is easier for you, I would like to try your CLI which is compatible with v5.6.1 too.


Thanks in advance.


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