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Forticlient causing issues with HTTP

After installing Forticlient we are unable to run our Landesk Inventory Management scan or access our Kyocera Network printers/ Both of these apps use port 80. Network traces of the traffic show 2 way traffic but it apps still shows failures. Also discovered issues with GOTOMEETING. It will take up to 5 times to connect to an on-line meeting session. DOes not matter whether you access these apps through the VPN tunnel or wired to our corporate network with the Forticlient in the background.. Uninstall Forticlient and everything works. Have tried disabling the Web Filter and Firewall to no avail. I have a ticket open on this but we have no answers yet. Please let me know if you have anything to add.
New Contributor

if you are using 32bits, the keys are in the same place as XP; if you are using 64bits, you should find the keys under HKLM\Wow6432node

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