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Forticlient causing issues with HTTP

After installing Forticlient we are unable to run our Landesk Inventory Management scan or access our Kyocera Network printers/ Both of these apps use port 80. Network traces of the traffic show 2 way traffic but it apps still shows failures. Also discovered issues with GOTOMEETING. It will take up to 5 times to connect to an on-line meeting session. DOes not matter whether you access these apps through the VPN tunnel or wired to our corporate network with the Forticlient in the background.. Uninstall Forticlient and everything works. Have tried disabling the Web Filter and Firewall to no avail. I have a ticket open on this but we have no answers yet. Please let me know if you have anything to add.

1. Shutdown FortiClient 2. On Command Prompt type: net stop fortishield 3. change registry values
New Contributor

here are the steps from a related post for disabling fortiproxy 0 Shutdown FC 1 start run cmd 2 net stop fortishield 3 regedit ... find FA_Fortiproxy.. change value to Disabled.. 0 instead of 1 4 net start fortishield. 5 restart forticlient 6 test connections This turns off services for webfilter app control and firewall. This will allowing you to test and have production available while tickets are cleared or a new release is out.
firewalls firewalls everywhere
firewalls firewalls everywhere
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Thanks You very much . It' s running now...
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This problem has been around a while now... Like i posted on 11/29.2009 U could try to disable the Fortiproxy part of the Forticlient. Stop the Forticlient start run cmd net stop fortishield regedit ... find FA_Fortiproxy.. change value to Disabled.. 0 instead of 1 net start fortishield. Give it a try. Dave Koelman FORTINET WHY DONT U FIX THIS.!
New Contributor

That fixed both my application issues. Thank you for your help. I wish I could say the same about Fortinet Support. From what it looks like this problem was reported back in November. My ticket has been opened for a month with no resolution from Fortinet. I even pointed them to this forum that showed others ahd the issue. Can someone relaste any good experiences with Fortinet support? I have been workinhg with this product since November and have had deplorable support from Fortinet. I really like the product but I am scared that when I have a critical issue that is at a busines halting level that they will not be there for me.
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I missed that little piece that this disables Web FIltering. This isn' t a solution as it opens up our remore users. It does however point out where the issue is.
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I hate to resurrect bad memories for everyone again, but I stumbled upon this thread which is very relevant to an issue I am having with with just the SSL VPN install. I am using Windows 7 32 bit, with the same issues. The problem that I am having is with the solution, more specifically with trying to stop the service. When I try to run the command ' net stop forticlient' , it keeps telling me that I cannot stop the service. WTF?!? Did anyone else run into this issue with the solution? Thanks in Advance. Wes
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Our windows 7 PCs were freezing for a long time with Forticlient 4.2 installed. We tracked it down to svchost.exe using all of one CPU and a half GB of memory. We tracked this to Windows Firewall. Disabling Windows Firewall seemed to free up the PC and allow it to surf the web again. My question is, shold Fortclient' s firewall be good enough?
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When I try to run the command ' net stop forticlient' , it keeps telling me that I cannot stop the service. WTF?!?
Run as administrator to run cmd
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HI I have tried to disable Fortiproxy on Windows 7 premium but I don' t find the Fortinet key under HKLM\Software, viceversa the solution works perfectly on Win XP pro. Do you have some suggestions? Thank you in advance and best regards, Nick64

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