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FortiClient Updates Breaking VPN

Wondering if anyone else has experienced this, or if it's a known issue...


Example I will give happens to our windows systems, but also similar issue affecting Macs.


Remote user Running 7.0.9, is VPN'd in currently with FortiGate to corporate LAN, downloads 7.0.10 and installs it, after reboot, 7.0.10 shows expired license but unable to VPN back to corporate LAN to re-connect to EMS to get handshake/license. In fact if user opens FortiClient, and tries to goto the VPN/Remote Access Section, it immediately jumps out of that section. The temp fix has been to utilize an older VPN to reconnect to the network, reconnect so FortiClient knows its got a valid license, d/c from older vpn and reconnect with FortiGate VPN.


Obviously if the upgrade happened on-prem that's easy to fix as they would be directly connected, but not so much for remote users. We had hoped to remove access to the older VPN as FortiGate was to be our replacement, but this issue is causing a wrinkle to that plan.


Is there a way to cache the license? Is there an option we are missing?


Do you have the same behavior when you push client update from EMS?

New Contributor

Checking with Engineers on this one, as I recall SCCM deployed, but as the instructions mention upgrading through EMS, it uninstalls the old version, and installs the new version, so those remote users who are currently connected to fortigate to access the resources would get kicked off in the uninstall/reboot, and then when the new one installs, it would not be able to connect to EMS to verify license to allow them to VPN to get all hooked up again, or am I mistaken? Is the license somehow cached between installs if done via EMS?


Is the license somehow cached between installs if done via EMS?

-> that's my guess.


What is your current version of FortiGate?


Fortigate is 7.2.6 and EMS is 7.0.10


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