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FortiClient - No Traffic on established SSL-VPN connection - Rocky Linux 9

Hello together,


since one of the recent patches on my Rocky Linux workstation, my FortiClient has ceased to function properly.


First some information to my system:

NAME="Rocky Linux"
VERSION="9.3 (Blue Onyx)"
ID_LIKE="rhel centos fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="Rocky Linux 9.3 (Blue Onyx)"


Kernel is:




The issue is that while I can log into the SSL-VPN and establish the connection, no packets are being sent back to me. So no connection can be build up:


Screenshot from 2024-01-26 16-12-05.png


I am currently using FortiClient version and have encountered an issue that seems to be related to the virtual interface configuration, potentially involving DNS or missing routes. The connection is a full tunnel to an up-to-date FortiGate. It's worth noting that this issue is not unique to me; colleagues with the same setup are also experiencing the problem. Older versions of FortiClient are no longer functioning, and a reinstallation did not resolve the issue. Since Windows and Mac clients can connect without any problems, I can only attribute the issue to the operating system or the FortiClient itself.


One of the errors I got is:

vpn_connection:1829 Error: Disconnected because of error: Read packet from tunnel failed.


I cannot share the whole log, but I added the most important entries below:


20240126 16:00:55.556 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:INFO] sslvpn:824 Login successful
20240126 16:00:55.587 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:INFO] main:1460 State: Configuring tunnel
20240126 16:00:55.601 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] vpn_util:260 Get connection name: su
20240126 16:00:55.601 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] vif:98 Using nmcli to allocate tun device.
20240126 16:00:55.821 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] vpn_connection:2339 FCT UID added: xxx
20240126 16:00:55.823 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:292 Default route device name: wlp0s20f3
20240126 16:00:55.837 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] vpn_util:260 Get connection name: su
20240126 16:00:55.837 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:304 DNS backup
20240126 16:00:55.848 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] vpn_util:260 Get auto DNS setting: no
20240126 16:00:55.858 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] vpn_util:260 Get static DNS: ipv4.dns:
20240126 16:00:55.869 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] vpn_util:260 Get system DNS search domain:
20240126 16:00:55.879 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] vpn_util:260 Get current DNS: IP4.DNS[1]
20240126 16:00:55.879 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:347 Device name: wlp0s20f3
20240126 16:00:55.879 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:348 Connection name: su
20240126 16:00:55.879 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:349 Ignore auto DNS: no
20240126 16:00:55.879 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:350 DNS list:
20240126 16:00:55.879 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:351 DNS search domain list:
20240126 16:00:55.879 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:352 Current DNS list:
20240126 16:00:55.879 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:353 VPN device name: fctvpn44519b59
20240126 16:00:55.879 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:210 Read DNS backup /etc/nm_resolv.forticlient.backup: [{"default_dev_name":"enp0s31f6","default_connection_name":"enp0s31f6","ignore_auto_dns":"no","system_dns_list":"","system_dns_search_domain_list":"","current_dns_list":",","vpn_dev_name":"fctvpn736cd216"}]
20240126 16:00:55.893 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:411 Backup file saved
20240126 16:00:55.895 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:210 Read DNS backup /etc/nm_resolv.forticlient.backup: [{"default_dev_name":"enp0s31f6","default_connection_name":"enp0s31f6","ignore_auto_dns":"no","system_dns_list":"","system_dns_search_domain_list":"","current_dns_list":",","vpn_dev_name":"fctvpn736cd216"},{"default_dev_name":"wlp0s20f3","default_connection_name":"su","ignore_auto_dns":"no","system_dns_list":"","system_dns_search_domain_list":"","current_dns_list":"","vpn_dev_name":"fctvpn44519b59"}]
20240126 16:00:55.895 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:210 Read DNS backup /etc/nm_resolv.forticlient.backup: [{"default_dev_name":"enp0s31f6","default_connection_name":"enp0s31f6","ignore_auto_dns":"no","system_dns_list":"","system_dns_search_domain_list":"","current_dns_list":",","vpn_dev_name":"fctvpn736cd216"},{"default_dev_name":"wlp0s20f3","default_connection_name":"su","ignore_auto_dns":"no","system_dns_list":"","system_dns_search_domain_list":"","current_dns_list":"","vpn_dev_name":"fctvpn44519b59"}]
20240126 16:00:55.895 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:978 Config DNS
20240126 16:00:55.896 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:210 Read DNS backup /etc/nm_resolv.forticlient.backup: [{"default_dev_name":"enp0s31f6","default_connection_name":"enp0s31f6","ignore_auto_dns":"no","system_dns_list":"","system_dns_search_domain_list":"","current_dns_list":",","vpn_dev_name":"fctvpn736cd216"},{"default_dev_name":"wlp0s20f3","default_connection_name":"su","ignore_auto_dns":"no","system_dns_list":"","system_dns_search_domain_list":"","current_dns_list":"","vpn_dev_name":"fctvpn44519b59"}]
20240126 16:00:55.896 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:658 Device name: wlp0s20f3
20240126 16:00:55.896 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:662 Connection name: su
20240126 16:00:55.896 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:696 Add DNS server:
20240126 16:00:55.896 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:696 Add DNS server:
20240126 16:00:55.896 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:696 Add DNS server:
20240126 16:00:55.896 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:703 Add DNS server:
20240126 16:00:55.896 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:703 Add DNS server:
20240126 16:00:55.896 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:703 Add DNS server:
20240126 16:00:55.896 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:723 Setup default interface
20240126 16:00:55.896 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:729 Disable DHCP auto DNS
20240126 16:00:55.913 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:744 Set IPv4 DNS servers:
20240126 16:00:55.929 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:759 Set IPv4 DNS search domains:
20240126 16:00:55.946 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:774 Re-apply settings.
20240126 16:00:55.958 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:791 Setup VPN interface
20240126 16:00:55.958 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:793 Set IPv4 DNS servers:
20240126 16:00:55.981 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:808 Set IPv4 DNS search domains:
20240126 16:00:56.003 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:823 Re-apply settings.
20240126 16:00:56.022 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:182 Restart DNS service failed.
20240126 16:00:56.023 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:192 Flush DNS cache failed.
20240126 16:00:56.023 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:102 route backup START
20240126 16:00:56.023 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:154 route backup DONE
20240126 16:00:56.023 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:396 begin route config
20240126 16:00:56.023 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:397 Remote IP:
20240126 16:00:56.023 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:398 Local IP:
20240126 16:00:56.023 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:399 Tunnel mode: Full tunnel
20240126 16:00:56.023 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:400 Exclusive routing: Disabled
20240126 16:00:56.023 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:474 Add the route for
20240126 16:00:56.024 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:487 route add:,,0,,wlp0s20f3
20240126 16:00:56.024 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:222 router add default gw
20240126 16:00:56.024 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] vpn_connection:2618 Start PPP
20240126 16:00:56.189 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] vpn_connection:2642 Start IO loop
20240126 16:00:56.189 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:INFO] main:1460 State: Connected
20240126 16:03:28.089 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:EROR] vpn_connection:911 IO read remote failed: TCP connection timed out
20240126 16:03:28.089 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:EROR] vpn_connection:1829 Error: Disconnected because of error: Read packet from tunnel failed.
20240126 16:03:28.091 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:210 Read DNS backup /etc/nm_resolv.forticlient.backup: [{"default_dev_name":"enp0s31f6","default_connection_name":"enp0s31f6","ignore_auto_dns":"no","system_dns_list":"","system_dns_search_domain_list":"","current_dns_list":",","vpn_dev_name":"fctvpn736cd216"},{"default_dev_name":"wlp0s20f3","default_connection_name":"su","ignore_auto_dns":"no","system_dns_list":"","system_dns_search_domain_list":"","current_dns_list":"","vpn_dev_name":"fctvpn44519b59"}]
20240126 16:03:28.091 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:547 Restoring DNS config 0:
20240126 16:03:28.091 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:548 Device name: enp0s31f6
20240126 16:03:28.091 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:549 Connection name: enp0s31f6
20240126 16:03:28.091 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:550 Ignore auto DNS: no
20240126 16:03:28.091 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:551 DNS list:
20240126 16:03:28.091 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:552 DNS search domain list:
20240126 16:03:28.091 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:553 VPN device name: fctvpn736cd216
20240126 16:03:28.172 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:502 Command re-apply settings failed with status 1536.
20240126 16:03:28.172 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:547 Restoring DNS config 1:
20240126 16:03:28.172 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:548 Device name: wlp0s20f3
20240126 16:03:28.172 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:549 Connection name: su
20240126 16:03:28.172 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:550 Ignore auto DNS: no
20240126 16:03:28.172 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:551 DNS list:
20240126 16:03:28.172 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:552 DNS search domain list:
20240126 16:03:28.172 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:553 VPN device name: fctvpn44519b59
20240126 16:03:28.250 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:585 Backup file saved
20240126 16:03:28.263 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] vpn_util:260 List fctvpn connection: su
Wired connection 1
20240126 16:03:28.263 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:609 Try to delete connection fctvpn44519b59
20240126 16:03:28.275 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:632 default interface restore: 0, vpn interface restore: 1
20240126 16:03:28.275 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:EROR] vpn_connection:2871 Some error occurred when restore DNS.
20240126 16:03:28.275 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] mtu:116 Restore MTU.
20240126 16:03:28.275 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] mtu:120 No MTU backup file was found. Skip.
20240126 16:03:28.275 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:160 clean up route...
20240126 16:03:28.276 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:205 failed to delete route:, mask=,, dev=wlp0s20f3
20240126 16:03:28.276 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] route:205 failed to delete route:, mask=, gw=, dev=wlp0s20f3
20240126 16:03:28.279 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:210 Read DNS backup /etc/nm_resolv.forticlient.backup: [{"default_dev_name":"enp0s31f6","default_connection_name":"enp0s31f6","ignore_auto_dns":"no","system_dns_list":"","system_dns_search_domain_list":"","current_dns_list":",","vpn_dev_name":"fctvpn736cd216"}]
20240126 16:03:28.279 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:547 Restoring DNS config 0:
20240126 16:03:28.279 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:548 Device name: enp0s31f6
20240126 16:03:28.279 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:549 Connection name: enp0s31f6
20240126 16:03:28.279 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:550 Ignore auto DNS: no
20240126 16:03:28.279 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:551 DNS list:
20240126 16:03:28.279 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:552 DNS search domain list:
20240126 16:03:28.279 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:553 VPN device name: fctvpn736cd216
20240126 16:03:28.384 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:502 Command re-apply settings failed with status 1536.
20240126 16:03:28.389 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] dns:585 Backup file saved
20240126 16:03:28.399 TZ=+0100 [sslvpn:DEBG] vpn_util:260 List fctvpn connection: su


Afterwards the FortiClient starts to loop over and over again on the same process.


I hope somebody can help us to solve this issue.


Thanks in advance for your support in this case.


Have a great weekend!



FortiClient #SSL-VPN



Thank you for using the Community Forum. I will seek to get you an answer or help. We will reply to this thread with an update as soon as possible.


Stephen - Fortinet Community Team

Hello Johannes

First guess is that your Linux update has updated some OpenSSL libraries, supposed that FortiClient uses OS' OpenSSL library.

I'd try to find a way to force FortiClient to use its own lib (if available), otherwise I'd try either update the OS' OpenSSL lib to a newer or to a bit older version/patch.


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