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FortiClient 7.2.4 installer with deployed EMS connection

If we configure an installer on /ems with "Deployment & Installers" -> "FortiClient Installer" to use a specific invitation and profile the installer itself (neither exe nor msi) actually installs a fortiClient which has EMS registration and connection during the first start... Up until an invitation code is entered.


Why is the configuration of an invitation and default enabled modules for the installers possible, when it isn't baked into the installer?


Do we have to run the FortiESNAC.exe -c REG_REG_TO_CLOUD -r [Invitation Code] process and option in all cases a FortiClient is installed - independent from what had been configured on the EMS to create and download this exact installer?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello kh_slo,

Thank you for using the Community Forum. I will seek to get you an answer or help. We will reply to this thread with an update as soon as possible.


Anthony-Fortinet Community Team.
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello kh_slo,


I found this document:


Could you please if this content is helping? If not, we will continue to have a look.



Anthony-Fortinet Community Team.

I created and downloaded the installer from the forticloud EMS and prior to integrating it into SCCM I wanted to try the installation on a device. So we know it works before doing the job of building it into the rollout.


For this we tried

msiexec /qn /i "forticlient_installer.msi" TRANSFORMS=forticlient.mst REBOOT=ReallySuppress DONT_PROMPT_REBOOT=1

 from Install FortiClient with MSI installer - Fortinet Community but that doesn't starts any installation and if we start the installers without giving the .mst file each installation is without EMS connection.

New Contributor

Did you ever find a solution for this? I'm facing the same issue.

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