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FortiClient 5.0 Installation Error

Hi Guys I got an installtion Error with following message: FortiClient Setup Wizard ended prematurelly .... because of an error. Your System has not been modified.... I guess this is a typical MS Installer issue. But I don' t know how to solve it with FortiClient. Didn' t find anything in the net neither here in the Forum. Any Help would be appreciated. I got Lenovo W520 with W7x64. On a similar Notebook it works, also on my Home Desktop Computer, But not with my Notebook. Thanks Rudi

Is this a fresh install of FortiClient? You can try removing anything related to FortiClient in " Device Manager" , also check " Services" . If that doesn' t work, attach an installation log to see if we can spot anything.
New Contributor

Thank You Chris for your Information. I checked what you said. First I wanted to install fortinetClient 4.x which was ok, but didn' t work. Thats why I wouldn' t call my installation with V5 not a fresh installation. Anyway I deleted all registry entries and there is no service which I could assign to FortiClient. In the Devicemanager I didn' t find any entry. I was searching for an install log. Found a lot but nothing regarding forticlient. The installation with V5 is almost at the end and then it says: " Rolling back installation" and the complete directory with all new files were also deleted. If you could tell me where the install log is beeing placed... would be fine. Thanks again for your hepl BR Rudi
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