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FortiAP 220A and Microsoft Surface 2

Hi, We have a few 220A and 220/221B devices in our office managed by a 200A fortigate device. We have noticed an issue where Microsoft Surface 2 devices can connect to the 220/221B running version 5 firmware, but not the 220A devices which are running v4 firmware. I am speculating that (I have seen a similar occurance with a consumer grade non-Fortinet device) the MAC address is too new to be recognized by the device as being valid. Maybe someone else has an ideas. We have had no other issues with any other type of device yet. We are wondering if we will have to replace these older devices since they don't seem to be supported by the v5 firmwares.


Thanks for your input, I look forward to hearing what other people think.



Honored Contributor

Welcome to the forums.


Funny how the FortiOS 4.0 MR3 P18 patch notes say the 220A is officially supported but does on to say the FortiAP devices need to be running firmware 5.0.3 or higher, even though there doesn't appear to be any 5.x firmware for the 220A. 


You did not say what firmware is actually running on the FGT nor on the 220A.  Try upgrading the firmware on the 220A to the last known one, which I think is 4.3.9 (see firmware download path in pic).  If the firmware on the 200A is not the latest (e.g. 4.0MR3 P18) then confirm that the one installed is compatible with the firmware on the 220A.


Tossing out A couple suggestions.


Does the MS2 devices see the 220A but just can not connect to it?  Does the client monitor show the MS2 connecting but not getting an IP address?


Can the MS2 connect to a 3rd party AP?


Create a custom AP profile for the 220A then try tweaking the various settings (e.g. channel/band, etc.).  Same with the SSID -- try changing the security mode/data encryption.


If you just have a few/handful of 220As, I would consider replacement them. 


NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

Dave Hall wrote:

Welcome to the forums.


Funny how the FortiOS 4.0 MR3 P18 patch notes say the 220A is officially supported but does on to say the FortiAP devices need to be running firmware 5.0.3 or higher, even though there doesn't appear to be any 5.x firmware for the 220A. 


You did not say what firmware is actually running on the FGT nor on the 220A.  Try upgrading the firmware on the 220A to the last known one, which I think is 4.3.9 (see firmware download path in pic).  If the firmware on the 200A is not the latest (e.g. 4.0MR3 P18) then confirm that the one installed is compatible with the firmware on the 220A.


Tossing out A couple suggestions.


Does the MS2 devices see the 220A but just can not connect to it?  Does the client monitor show the MS2 connecting but not getting an IP address?


Can the MS2 connect to a 3rd party AP?


Create a custom AP profile for the 220A then try tweaking the various settings (e.g. channel/band, etc.).  Same with the SSID -- try changing the security mode/data encryption.


If you just have a few/handful of 220As, I would consider replacement them. 




Hi Dave,


Thanks for the response. We upgraded all of the 220A devices to exactly that firmware version to no avail. The FGT is running 4.0 MR3 P5 however we have purchased a new 280D which is yet to be put into production (which may raise the question of if the 220A devices are compatible with the 280D, not sure how I find that out) which may make that irrelevant. The MS2s do see the SSID and do attempt to connect, but can only connect to the newer devices (with the same profile and the same FGT) so that is what leads me to believe that they are incompatible with the 220A v4 firmware. The client monitor also sees it attempting connection, but then it disappears. We have not yet tried connecting to the third party AP's we just bought yet, but will probably consider that the next step aside from putting the 280D into production. If they work I may just recommend that we purchase a few more of them and be done with it. Soft costs are adding up and I would rather put the money towards a new device than troubleshoot the old for days. Thank you for your suggestions. I am pretty sure I know the route we are going to take, but if anyone else has any quick ideas we could try I would very much appreciate it.




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