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Forti Authenticator VM 6.0.3 users cant change pw

Hello Fortipeople,


We have an Active directory coupled with our forti authenticator with ldap, users can login to the fort auth to change their password.

Now one (possibly more) users can't change their password. When she does it says password change failed. Please contact your system administrator.

Now the weird thing is we have logs showing the user succesfully logging in but we don't have any logs (not even on ad) showing what could be wrong. I also created a new user with the same rights and i attempted to change the password. This worked. However, the user in question still can't change it. We don't enforce any password policies, except that it should be 8 characters. But we checked the pw and it wasn't longer than that.

Does anyone have any idea how to troubleshoot this best? With no logs to work with it seems very hard.


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