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Fast Roaming and AP hopping problems for VOIP and data in a FGT200B HA & FortiAP 220B infrastructure

Hi, we have in our building a FGT200B HA active-active configuration with 4 FortiAP220B on PSK (WPA/WPA2 and AES) for the VOIP WLAN. Furthermore we have also a data VLAN with WPA/WPA2 Enterprise and AES running. Both WLANs are configured on radio 1 the rogue scanning is configured on radio 2. At radio 1 also additional the radio resource provision is activated. For the Band 802.11n we enabled the channels 1, 6 and 11. Now we are observing a very instable network, where we see an AP hopping of the VOIP Clients (CISCO Phones and Blackberry) as well also on the laptops. (We see the quality indication is hopping from very good to pure and back again). How can we trace the problem? Do anyone have the same problem? Thanks. Stefan. PS: AP FW: FAP22B-v4.0-build214 FGT FW: v4.0,build0458,110627 (MR3 Patch 1)

You can try a the latest 219 FAP release. It should be ok even sta scan is enabled. Or You can go back to the controller GUI ap-profile configuration page, enable the background scan, disable the on-wire scan, (maybe need a save here). Then disable the background scan. Enable " radio resource provision" will automatic enable " background scan" on the FAP, since it needs the surrounding RF data to make the channel selection.

ok. Where can I find the 219 release? On the FTP I can see only the 214 release.

It will be released with FGT 4.3.2. At this time, I think you only can disable it from the controller side

okay. I configured the Manager in your suggested way and we will test it tomorrow. Thanks a lot for your help. Stefan.
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Hi, the connections are much more stable - thanks all of you for your help. Stefan.

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