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Ether type 0x886f printer...

Hi all, While sniffing internal interface this line is also included among another normal traffic passing through: " Ether type 0x886f printer havn' t been added to sniffer" Is something wrong with any device or related to any printer or something else? Best , kamyar
New Contributor III

This is a messsage saying that the sniffer routine does not know how to interpret that particular type of network traffic. That Ethertype refers to NT load balancing service, it is not IP and not included in the sniffer Parser. Here is more info
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Still learning to type " the"
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Thank you dosh,i did investigate all servers,there is no Win NT in the LAN, is there any related thing? Thanks, Kamyar
New Contributor III

WIN NT load balancing is a generic term and also refers to 2k 2k3 etc, are you doing any windows server clustering?
Still learning to type " the"
Still learning to type " the"
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no, there is no clustering ...and after few hours i must plug the power off and on again because no traffic passing from internal to external, even restarting from GUI does not solve the problem.

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