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Enforcing safesearch working well for everyone?

I' ve had a long-term struggle getting Safesearch to work consistently to enforce Strict searching in Google images. All 3 safesearch options are checked in the profile. I was curious if others have had problems, or if it' s just me. I' ve tweaked settings for some time and even created my own custom IPS filters. I' ve also used the Application Control features. The results are not consistent -- sometimes it enforces safesearch, other times it lets me happily turn it off. The simplest way to turn it off is to go to advanced search options and tell it to search with no filter. Per Google, the only reliable way of enforcing safesearch in an enterprise is by using a proxy to append " &safe=on" to all search queries. It does not appear this is working correctly for me. It certainly does not work if you use a mobile browser or use "" to search in a regular browser. I' ve thrown in the towel mostly on this issue, but I was wondering if others had experienced similar problems with the feature. Perhaps the problem is with Google. They could make it simpler to block their searches. Thanks.

Bill ========== Fortigate 600C 5.0.12, 111C 5.0.2 Logstash 1.4.1

Bill ========== Fortigate 600C 5.0.12, 111C 5.0.2 Logstash 1.4.1
New Contributor

My initial thoughts were that it was only partly working as Google would return " no results found" for porn. However,, bing, yahoo would all return results. I didn' t really want to view the sites so I assumed it wasn' t working, but clicking on the first link resulted in FortiGuard blocking it, so I assume it' s working properly. Wish it would block the search results in Yahoo and Bing though.

Thanks for the reply. Fortinet is very good with their URL lists -- no complaints there. I' ve found that the weakest link is with Google Images. It does not consistently enforce " Strict" searching there, despite enabling Fortigates SafeSearch enforcement and turning on Application Control for Google.Safe.Search.Off. As I said in my previous post, Google could do a much better job giving sysadmins tools to block their objectionable content.

Bill ========== Fortigate 600C 5.0.12, 111C 5.0.2 Logstash 1.4.1

Bill ========== Fortigate 600C 5.0.12, 111C 5.0.2 Logstash 1.4.1
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