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Email alert on SSLVPN connection

I've searched and was unsuccessful in finding any answers so forgive me if I missed it somewhere. I'm looking to set up an alert when someone connects via SSL VPN. It's obvious that I can get the error messages but I would like to be notified when people log in as well. Does anyone know if this is possible without some sort of syslog utilities? 

Valued Contributor

If you're running 6.2.X you could create an automation stitch to send an email when there's an SSLVPN connection.


Thanks. That looks promising but I've been hesitant on switching to 6.2.X based on the release notes and their known issues. The freezing RDP sessions scare me. That's 90% of what we use the SSL VPN for. I think your answer is most promising. I just hope the issue get resolved.


Looks like I should have just looked more at 6.0.3 that we are currently on. Automation Stitch is already a thing. That answered my question. Thanks a bunch!


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