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Does an RDP session within SSL VPN support multiple monitors?

I have a system with 2 monitors and via SSL VPN I want to RDP to another system with also 2 monitors.

Can I configure the overall system in a way to support the dual monitor in this scenario?

And if yes, how! 

New Contributor

The VPN has nothing to do with it. This is a RDP question.


Do a google search on "rdp dual screen support" and you will find your answer.
New Contributor

Thanks crispy, I did know, that it is working natively on OS level.

My main question referred to RDP bookmark in web mode.

New Contributor III

@crispy, if you have nothing to add, then maybe better to try to add nothing?


So anybody knows if HTML5 RDP works with multi monitor setup?



New Contributor

@screazy, I answered the actual question which was asked. A VPN has no relation to the service that is run over it providing it is layer3 IP based, which RDP and HTML5 are. Having multiple screens working is a software issue and not a VPN Client issue.
New Contributor III

What is the point of defending your unrelated answer?


My main question referred to RDP bookmark in web mode


And the answer to this one (as difficult as almost impossible to find) is NO, sadly not

New Contributor

I was not defending my unrelated answer. You are the one who considered it an unrelated answer. I also answered the question you asked. People are not mind readers, so they do not know that you meant a RDP bookmark url.


How about googling "How to ask good questions" before posting next time?
New Contributor III

Chill, take a big breath, look outside, relax

Valued Contributor III

For the record, I saw the subject, read the post and also assumed that the OP was referring to Windows RDP since it was not clear. I do not have an answer for the web RDP sessions and multiple monitors.


By the way, looking out the window is about as much as you can do nowadays...

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
New Contributor

I found this post since I was having the exact same problem. The title and description say exactly what the issue is. The OP clearly asks if the SSL-VPN feature supports dual monitors, as the SSL-VPN has a RDP feature.


Anyhow... even with the many firmware updates since this post was made, is there an update on dual monitor support when using the provided RDP within the SSL-VPN feature?


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