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Delete fortinet

Hi all, Since a few weeks fortinet blocks my websites just normal websites. But I never activate it or installed it. How can I make it stop blocking websites? This is on my android phone. Greets ruben
Contributor II

Hi ruben,


I'm afraid there isn't really enough info in your description for anyone to be able to help you.


Are you the administrator for your network or a user of it?


If you are a user then you will need to speak to your network administrator to see if they will allow those websites to be unblocked. The Fortinet products use polices which are centrally deployed and in most cases users can't over-ride those policies.


If you are the administrator of your network then it isn't clear which Fortinet product you are referring to. Do you have any more details of your network architecture and the products you have deployed?


Kind Regards,





Hi Andy, It's a problem on my mobile.

Hi Ruben,


Again, you haven't answered my questions or given enough details for anyone to offer you much support. If you aren't able or prepared to describe your configuration then it is very difficult for anyone to spend time helping you.


But, I would assume from your one line response you are connecting your personal phone (which you have full control of) to a WiFi network (a corporate or school network perhaps?) and seeing the Fortigate block pages when you try and access certain pages.


You cannot "delete" these- these messages are coming from a Fortigate within the network you are connecting too. It blocks access to these pages across the network depending on your profile and the security policies the network administrator has set. You see a replacement (or block) page when this happens.


So, as I said in my last response you need to speak to the network administrator of the network you are connecting too. 


Hope that helps.








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