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Daily Category Report

Hi Folks,


I'm new to fortianalzer and my sql skills are poor to say the least so feel free to reply as if you are talking to a 5 year old!


Basically I have been asked to produce a daily report which lists when a user tries to access certain categories.


So far I have managed to get it working for one category (Extremist Groups) with the following:


select from_dtime(dtime) as timestamp, `user` as usr, catdesc as category, hostname as hostname from $log-traffic where catdesc='Extremist Groups' order by dtime desc


This works as I had hoped.


However, we would like to be able to add multiple categories.


I tried:

select from_dtime(dtime) as timestamp, `user` as usr, catdesc as category, hostname as hostname from $log-traffic where catdesc='Extremist Groups' or

catdesc='Weapons (Sales)' order by dtime desc


However this didn't produce any results?!  Ideally I would like to be able to produce the report daily with 4 categories included.


If you could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.



Valued Contributor

Hi, try:


SELECT from_dtime(`dtime`) AS timestamp, `user` AS usr, `catdesc` AS category, `hostname` AS hostname FROM $log WHERE `catdesc` IN ('Extremist Groups', 'Social Networking', 'News and Media') ORDER BY dtime DESC


Dataset for the Traffic log type.



New Contributor

Thanks for the quick reply I will have a look in the morning.




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