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Comfort Client setting

We are on the lastest OS with the Fortigate 300-A. We are using the AntiVirus feature and we are experiencing the following on downloads: When downloading IT related files… most of them are 10MB to 40MB... we are having to wait 7+minutes (clicked the download at 11:07 and at 11:14 still nothing) with the hourglass/arrow waiting for the save option to appear on a 21MB file that normally would have downloaded in less than a couple of minutes. Ones that were 100K had the save dialog pop up in seconds but any that I’ve tried that are greater than 10 MB pause way too long and act like the aren’t doing anything… How can this be aleviated without totally abandoning antivirus for file downloads and ftp??? I enabled comfort client, but it doesn' t seem to help at all. Thank you.
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t does show some progress so the user sees his transfer is in progress, but it does not play any trickery with the user' s progress indicator. Client comforting simply sends a very small amount of the file to the user to show the transfer is working, as the FortiGate unit buffers the file at the maximum possible speed.
Thus far we have not seen ANY progress even with the Comfort client on. I believe the user that has been doing most of the testing is using Opera or Mozilla, but I tested in IE as well. Of course who knows what happens when someone has a download manager... which I believe Mozilla has built in anyway. Basically what has happened is when fortigate finally gets it all it just dumps to user. Greg
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Refer to regarding comfort client issues.

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