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Wireless Antenna Options

We are looking to install a WiFi60 into our server room to replace a PIX 501 and replace a remote Cisco 1100 AP. The problem I forsee is the signal will not make it from the server room to the necessary areas. Can anyone provide some insight on remote antenna setups? What kind of cable do we need to use, do we need to purchase special antennas or can we use the existing ones? And my last question regarding this would be how the two antennas are utilitzed. Are they both typical diversity antennas, or is one incoming and one outgoing? Please advise. Sorry if my questions are ignorant... my experience with radios is limited. Thanks! Rick
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The antenna connectors are RP-SMA jacks. There are cables available with the most common being LMR-195 or LMR-200. You wouldn' t use the existing antennas since there' d be no way to mount them. They' re designed to be connected directly to the box. More than likely you could use ceiling mounted diversity antennas from companies like Maxrad for example. The type of antenna and length of cable would depend on how far away the Cisco AP1100 is that' s being replaced. It' s not advisable to run long lengths of cable over 20 feet as too much signal would be lost. If you could give me a bit more info I' m sure I could help you out. We specialize in WLAN' s, broadband, mobile computing and data collection and are a new FortiNet distributor.
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I' m looking into replacing some older wireless units that run 802.11 FH with a max speed of 3 Meg. Those units us a single cable run with a 28 dB gain antenna. The FortiWiFi-60/60A have two connectors. Do you know if these can be run with a single antenna, if so, does it make a difference which antenna connector is used? Do we have to do anything with the other connector; take it off, install a resistor, leave it alone, etc. Do you know what kind of speeds can be obtained over various distances with the FortiWiFi. Being able to use the WiFi units with a Point-to-point VPN is attractive IF I can get the speeds.

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