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Clients on Fortiap's 221C over 1000ms, but perfect signal

Hello all, 


soooo strange behaviour. I have an Fortigate 60E OS7 with 2 Fortiap's 221C. This is running since years. Perfect signal, perfect pings. OS7 also since the first week it was released. Since about 2 Weeks. All clients except for one (an Lenovo Notebook), have unusable ping times and sometimes lose up to 80% of IP packets. The behaviour also takes place when the screens of the Android devices are permanently activated. Energy saving mechanisms are switched off. As always. A maximum of 6 clients are connected. All 5Ghz AC. So what have i done to solve the problem: 

  • Changed Channels
  • Changed MHZ and GHZ to 2,4 and mixed
  • Changed firmware versions on the AP's to older 6.x and 5.x
  • Rebootet everything
  • Shutdown AP's and left it switched off for a few hours
  • Connect only one client, and changed with other one Client
  • Shutdown the DB to 20%
  • Reset the Fortiap's to factory defaults[/ul]

    Really everything. Is it possible that both AP's are defective? How can it be that there is only one client that reaches a straight line in smokeping and does not lose any packets?


    Here are the Screenshots from Smokeping. Does anyone here understand this? Or does anyone have an idea?


    config wireless-controller wtp-profile
        edit "FAP-221C"
            config platform
                set type 221C
            set handoff-sta-thresh 30
            set allowaccess https ssh snmp
            set frequency-handoff enable
            set ap-handoff enable
            config radio-1
                set band 802.11n-only
                set short-guard-interval enable
                set auto-power-level enable
                set wids-profile "myprofile1"
                set darrp enable
                set vap-all manual
                set vaps "ssid1" "surfen"
                set channel "1" "6" "11"
            config radio-2
                set band 802.11ac-only
                set short-guard-interval enable
                set channel-bonding 80MHz
                set auto-power-level enable
                set wids-profile "myprofile1"
                set darrp enable
                set vap-all manual
                set vaps "ssid1" "ssid2" "ssid3" "surfen"
                set channel "40" "44" "48" "52" "56" "60" "64" "104" "108" "112" "116" "120" "124" "128"


    Very Thanks and Best Regards



  • Fortigate 60E v7.x (GA)

    Fortigate 60E v7.x (GA)
    4 REPLIES 4

    Hi ipranger,


    really strange....


    Some thoughts that came to my mind:


    are the affected ssids tunnelled or local?

    If tunnelled, is the Datachannel Security TLS or IPSEC?

    Are Protected Management Frames enabled on the ssid?

    Does it also occur without WIDS on the AP Profile?

    Have you checked the AP´s CPU Load?


    Unfortunately I have no 221C in reach to test it myself.

    321C´s are working fine here.


    jkassner wrote:

    Hi ipranger,


    really strange....

    Jup :p

    jkassner wrote:

    are the affected ssids tunnelled or local?

    Bridged. So no traffic over the fortigate directly. Only one tunnelled SSID only for guests.

    jkassner wrote:

    Are Protected Management Frames enabled on the ssid?

    Nice Feature, now yes.

    jkassner wrote:

    Does it also occur without WIDS on the AP Profile?


    jkassner wrote:

    Have you checked the AP´s CPU Load?

    not yet



    Fortigate 60E v7.x (GA)

    Fortigate 60E v7.x (GA)

    Activating Protected Management Frames has unfortunately not resulted in any change.

    Fortigate 60E v7.x (GA)

    Fortigate 60E v7.x (GA)

    I configured now an Mikrotik exactly the same like the fortiap's and it works perfectly. So both ap's broken. Bad. I have already ordered a new 433F. 

    Fortigate 60E v7.x (GA)

    Fortigate 60E v7.x (GA)
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