Last activity: Nov 16, 2021 10:50:24 AM
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Hello all, I'am using here fortiswitch 448E. I also have Fortiap's running here. So the goal is that a magic package can send to an other vlan to wakeup some clients. So far I have not found anything that solves this. On my old HP switch I had to set...
Hello all, i have here an Fortiswitch 448E with Firmware 7.0.1 in standalone mode. For security reason i would like to configure ACL's on the switch for my DMZ VLAN. ACL's works, but if i do that i can't access the dmz vlan anymore. So here my config...
Hello all, fortiswitch wie OS7.0.1 the foritiswitch is running in standalone mode, because with fortilink all layer3 traffic goes via the fortigate. Really my 60E does not have enough power for these things. In addition, the units are dependent on ea...
Hello all, soooo strange behaviour. I have an Fortigate 60E OS7 with 2 Fortiap's 221C. This is running since years. Perfect signal, perfect pings. OS7 also since the first week it was released. Since about 2 Weeks. All clients except for one (an Leno...
Hello all, i have here an Fortigate 60E with enterprise bundle. It is possible to combine it with an Layer3 FortiSwitch 448E without subscription? Is the Switch restricted without subscription? This time i have an HP29xx series as Layer3. However, th...
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