Support Forum
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Change Support Login and Registration info

Need help in changing the Support Login and Registration info for Fortinet products. We used to outsource our IT Support, and we have cancelled the contract. We are now managing our Fortinet prodcuts in house. Problem is our Fortinet 50A and Fortinet 60 is registered to our old IT Support. We can' t get to support login because the product serial number has already been registered. I' ve emailed last week, and its an automated response. Help is glaldy appreciated.
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So what did the automated response say? I think you are going to have to wait for the registration support folks to change things over for you.
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the automated response is this .... i guess i gotta wait.... its been 3 business day so far.. Dear Valued Fortinet Customer, We have received your Technical Support query sent to Did you know that you can now create a ticket online at You can monitor, add comments, and update the status of your ticket by doing using this method of the ticket creation. Also, should you have an existing open ticket, please update your ticket appropriately through the on-line ticketing system so that our TAC group may provide you with the appropriate technical support assistance regarding your issue. We look forward to providing you with the most timely technical support assistance as possible. Thank You, Fortinet Technical Support Fortinet Knowledge Center - Fortinet Technical Discussion Forum - PS : Please always put the Ticket# in subject mail field, for tracking convenience purposes. Thank you.
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I don' t know what part of the world you are in but here in the US we have regional engineers that support the sales personell. Those people could maybe help you and either way they would be good contacts to have. Try to find out who those folks are and get their contact information from the people that sold you the gear or your old managed services contacts. Good Luck.
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its been a week since i emailed AMER_Fortinet support, for requesting to change or reset the support login for our Fortinet Equipment. No help either from our old Third Party supplier, they said they dont have the support login, the person responsible have quit. i' ve called the 1-866 # and still voicemail. im still waiting patiently about this, hope you guys could help me out.
Valued Contributor III

If you have support on other Fortinet devices, put in a ticket under one of them, and explain that you want the other two moved, and the rest of the situation. That may at least get your request in the door, so to speak. Your account exec. (If you guys originally bought the gear) should be able to get this resolved at the least. Find him/them and see if they can help. If they want more of your business, I think they would be inclined to help.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

we have only 2 fortinet device and both were registered by the old third party support. i' ve tried registering it again but wont work.
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well i' ve got a reply back from my email, and it seems its gonna be ok now. Spoke to one of the customer rep and gave me the proper email. note to self: use not
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Did you try to open an issue in your old account explaining them to migrate the support contract to the new account? It works for me two year ago...

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