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Can't authenticate on iPhone when using FortiToken

Firewall: FortiGate 101F
Application: FortiClient 6.0

Token: FortiToken220
VPN method: SSL-VPN





My username and password must meet the following requirements:
- At least 8 characters
- At least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
- At least one number
- At least one special character (*)

=> After removing the special character in the username, I can VPN. That so stupid bug!
(Example: Account test/123456 can VPN normal, but test&/123456 can't VPN because it stuck in Enter Token code)




Before using token: I can VPN on laptop and my phone.
After using token: VPN was fine on the laptop OK, but I can't VPN on my phone.


Detail error:
1. Authenticate by username/password => OK
2. Enter token code => Error "Insufficient credentials. Please check passwords, client certificate, etc..."


Call the account I'm using is A. I think account A have problem, so I re-created it, but it doesn't work.
So, I created a new account with the same setup as A (new account is test/123456) and it's working.
Back to account A, keep all previous setup (like Web Filter, DNS Filter...) and only change username/password to simple version (123456/123456) and it's working.


After test, I think my setup no problem but I don't know why I can't VPN on phone?




Hi @Y-TECVietnam , 

Regarding the special character I believe you have also a workaround on  FortiGate.

Change the encoding from auto to ISO=8859-1:

FGT # config user radius

FGT (FAC Radius) # set password-encoding ISO-8859-1
FGT (FAC Radius) #end

>Regarding login from phone please run the following debugs : 

diag debug reset

diag debug console timestamp enable

diag debug app sslvp-1

diag debug app fnbamd -1

diag debug enable

-reproduce the issue 

-disable the debug with : diag debug disable



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