I' m sorry for not catching the typo, was so obvious.
FG300C3913600481 # diag deb url src-addr
FG300C3913600481 # diag deb app url 255
FG300C3913600481 # diag deb en
FG300C3913600481 # msg=" received a request /tmp/.proxyworker000_0_0.url.socket, addr_len=38: d=www.bicevida.cl:80, id=226182, vfname=' root' , vfid=0, profile=' strict' , type=0, client=, url_source=1, url=" /"
Url matches local rating
msg=" received a request /tmp/.proxyworker000_0_0.url.socket, addr_len=38: d=app.bicevida.cl:80, id=225960, vfname=' root' , vfid=0, profile=' strict' , type=0, client=, url_source=1, url=" /WSEnvioClaveV2/faces/ingreso.jspx?"
Url matches local rating
msg=" received a request /tmp/.proxyworker000_0_0.url.socket, addr_len=38: d=app.bicevida.cl:80, id=225961, vfname=' root' , vfid=0, profile=' strict' , type=0, client=, url_source=1, url=" /Login2.0-Autoenrolamiento/faces/Login.jspx?"
Url matches local rating
msg=" received a request /tmp/.proxyworker000_0_0.url.socket, addr_len=38: d=www.bicevida.cl:80, id=226179, vfname=' root' , vfid=0, profile=' strict' , type=0, client=, url_source=1, url=" /wp-content/themes/bicevida/login.php"
Url matches local rating
msg=" received a request /tmp/.proxyworker000_0_0.url.socket, addr_len=38: d=www.bicevida.cl:80, id=226180, vfname=' root' , vfid=0, profile=' strict' , type=0, client=, url_source=1, url=" /contacto"
Url matches local rating
msg=" received a request /tmp/.proxyworker000_0_0.url.socket, addr_len=38: d=www.bicevida.cl:80, id=226183, vfname=' root' , vfid=0, profile=' strict' , type=0, client=, url_source=1, url=" /productos-slide"
Url matches local rating
msg=" received a request /tmp/.proxyworker000_0_0.url.socket, addr_len=38: d=app.bicevida.cl:80, id=225961, vfname=' root' , vfid=0, profile=' strict' , type=0, client=, url_source=1, url=" /Login2.0-Autoenrolamiento/servletcaptcha"
Url matches local rating
msg=" received a request /tmp/.proxyworker000_0_0.url.socket, addr_len=38: d=www.bicevida.cl:80, id=226193, vfname=' root' , vfid=0, profile=' strict' , type=0, client=, url_source=1, url=" /wp-content/themes/bicevida/library/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?"
Url matches local rating
msg=" received a request /tmp/.proxyworker000_0_0.url.socket, addr_len=38: d=www.bicevida.cl:80, id=226195, vfname=' root' , vfid=0, profile=' strict' , type=0, client=, url_source=1, url=" /wp-content/themes/bicevida/library/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff"
Url matches local rating
msg=" received a request /tmp/.proxyworker000_0_0.url.socket, addr_len=38: d=www.bicevida.cl:80, id=226196, vfname=' root' , vfid=0, profile=' strict' , type=0, client=, url_source=1, url=" /wp-content/themes/bicevida/library/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf"
Url matches local rating
When I click " Login button" on www.bicevida.cl the log doesn' t show anything extra my logs are only when the webpage load for the first time and there is no problem on the first page, the problem is when I try to log in.
One more