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Bypassed firewall rule

Hello, today I noticed a strange behavior of my firewall, I have the following rules:


edit 1 set srcintf "INT" set dstintf "WAN" set srcaddr "LocalIP" set dstaddr "all" set action accept set schedule "always" set service "HTTP" set utm-status enable set av-profile "Standard" set webfilter-profile "AllowedDomain" <------- the webfilter is configured like proxy and there are only some domains  set ips-sensor "protect_client" set application-list "Everyone" set profile-protocol-options "default" set ssl-ssh-profile "deep-inspection" set nat enable


edit 2

edit 48 set srcintf "INT" set dstintf "WAN" set srcaddr "LocalIP" set dstaddr "all" set action deny


Configuring several IP cameras I realized that the devices comunicated with external servers that were not included in the webfilter, how is it possible? The webfilter shouldn't filter out the request?





Valued Contributor III

What is the order of the rules? First good one from top-down gets the traffic.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
Valued Contributor II

Your policy 1 is set to only work with service HTTP, so any non HTTP communication won't match it.


If you do have other policies covering all the other services with the same web filter, then we'd have to dig a little deeper:

- Are there any devices that aren't on the "INT" interface?

- Any devices that have IPs not in the LocalIP range?

- Any other routes out other than through the "WAN" interface?

- Do you have logs showing the access of external servers?  

- Assuming you have logs, what were the services that were somehow not matching the web filter and what rule were they hitting?

New Contributor

i think you need configure in webfilter * deny in final 


Hello rwpatterson,

the order is correct..maybe could be a bug?

New Contributor

Hello Abdulaziz,

I've already set the deny to the end...maybe could be a bug?

New Contributor

Hello tanr,

to debug the problem i configured only this rules and the webfilter...maybe could be a bug?

I have a fortigate 600C.


Valued Contributor III

Could you go into the session monitor and see what policy the traffic is hitting? What firmware version is your Fortigate running? The model is less important.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:


yes i can see the policy, i have the version 5.2 patch 7.



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