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* Bug Report *

If it so happens a wildcard FQDN object gets put into an address group and that group is already on a source of a policy/esss. When you are upgrading the firmware, all polices with said group will not be saved. They also will not be in the auto backup config. I say this is a bug because there is no warnings or prevention in place keeping this from happening.


I can see how this is a nuisance.'s mentioned in the Release Notes, and we've already had a thread here on the forums about it.


I know how this may sound, anyway: after upgrading, always run 'diag debug conf read', and/or compare the config backup before & after. The omission is clearly printed in the debug command.

Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

Thank You! I searched before posting this but couldn't find anything relating to it. We just upgraded to 6.0.3, I didn't see anything there, but I did just find it in the release notes of 6.0.4. Thanks Again! 


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