Which is the best practices for the sslvpn timeout settings you are using ?
My problem is that when a SSLVPN disconnected due to line problem (and not by the user), the VPN cannot reconnect before the idle-timeout.
The CLI user guide state:
" When you configure the timeout settings, if you set the authentication timeout (auth-timeout) to 0, then the remote client does not have to re-authenticate again unless they log out of the system. In order to fully take advantage of this setting, the value for idle-timeout has to be set to 0 also, so the client does not timeout if the maximum idle time is reached. If the idle-timeout is not set to the infinite value, the system will log out if it reaches the limit set, regardless of the auth-timeout setting."
But will this configuration work in case of disconnect due to line issue and not by the user ?
Without the idle-timeout my idea is that the session will not timeout so the user will not be able to connect anymore.
Many thanks.