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Hi people ! :D 


I have two vdoms, connected by a vlink. They have BGP running between them. On one of the vdoms I have some ospf routes - and I want them distributed into my BGP.. but ONLY that one BGP running between the two vdoms.. I cant have the ospf route distributed into any other BGP sessions allready running for other stuff on the firewalls..


Having a bit of a hard time getting it to work... routemaps ? yeah ? Any tips ? 


After you configured redistribute ospf in bgp config, you need to re-introduce the ospf routes into ospf table to trigger new redistribution.  just disable/re-enable the ospf-interface.


And, if you search like "fortigate route-map" on the internet, you can find a bunch of example how to construct prefix-list and route-map like below:



hi there im a newbie from fortinet may i know how to set up BGP



vinceneil666 wrote:

Hi people ! :D 


I have two vdoms, connected by a vlink. They have BGP running between them. On one of the vdoms I have some ospf routes - and I want them distributed into my BGP.. but ONLY that one BGP running between the two vdoms.. I cant have the ospf route distributed into any other BGP sessions allready running for other stuff on the firewalls..


Having a bit of a hard time getting it to work... routemaps ? yeah ? Any tips ? 


Prefix-list and route-map would be helpful to filter routes between OSPF/BGP. Let me know if you have difficulty on that. Thanks!


Hi, tnx guys.


The issue Im facing is that my fortigate has tons of bgp sessions, and if I do turn on OSPF redist into BGP - then I will have those routes sent out to all my BGP peers.


config router bgp config redistribute "ospf"

set route-map something-something


Is there a way of creating a routemap on the redist ospf config, so that the OSPF routes are only redistributed to one single AS, and then not messing with any of the others ? 




Then why you wrote this, at the first palce?

"On one of the vdoms I have some ospf routes - and I want them distributed into my BGP."


If you want to advertise to only limited BGP neighbors, you should set route-maps in BGP neighbor config, and applies them to two groups, 1) neighbors not to advertised, and 2) neighbors to be advertised.

On the other hand, if you have a lot of OSPF routes and you want to redistribute only some of them into BGP, you should construct a prefix-list to match only those you want to redistribute, then use it in a route-map, and use it under the redistribution section. Examples are below:


config router bgp

    set as xxxx1

    set router-id

    config neighbor

        edit "yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy"

            set soft-reconfiguration ena

            set remote-as  xxxx2

            set route-map-out "ADVERTISE-ROUTEMAP"


        edit "zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz"

           set soft-reconfiguration ena

            set remote-as  xxxx2

            set route-map-out "NOT-ADVERTISE-ROUTEMAP"



    config redistribute "ospf"

        set status ena

        set route-map  "REDIST-ROUTEMAP-NAME"








Ok - yeah, I see that my wording was a bit off. srry :) 


I am guessing that you mean prefix-list and not route-map on the neigh config ? At least - on my 5.4 there is no option for setting route-maps on the specific neigh.



This is 5.4.8:

xxxfg3 (vdomname) # config router bgp xxxfg3 (bgp) # config neighbor xxxfg3 (neighbor) # edit sfo-fg3 ( # set ? --<snip>-- route-map-in                     IPv4 Inbound route map filter. route-map-in6                    IPv6 Inbound route map filter. route-map-out                    IPv4 Outbound route map filter. route-map-out6                   IPv6 Outbound route map filter. --<snip>--

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