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ssl vpn problem:web application blocked

I just bought Fortigate-800: I set up the ssl vpn. When I input " https://firewallip:10443" , I can login in successfully, and the server in the internal network behind the firewall can be reachable(ping test). SSl vpn tunnel can be activated normally, but when I want to access a web server via web bookmarks , the page can not be opened. I found the warning message in the log of my firewall:" SSL Web Application HTTP from X.X.X.X Blocked" Any idea? I need your help. regards, linyao
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I met with the same problem, please help us.
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Did you check NAT on your firewall policy ? If yes uncheck it, this should do. Vincent MAZARD
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I met with the same problem too, please help me.
Valued Contributor III

Perhaps it is a DNS issue. If you' re pinging by IP and browsing by name, that' s your problem. For a quick test, place the IP address in the address bar of your browser and see what you get.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

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