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specification about load balancing



I have 2 connection adsl, I want to configure load-balancing for these two connection.


I want to know how to configure load-balancing for these two connection ?


Also if there is controle over bandwidth, for exemple 30% pass over the wan1 ( connection 1 ) and 70% over the wan2 ( connection 2) ?


Finally it is possible to pass over the wan1 30%, and over wan2 70%, but only for few hours ( for exemple pass over the wan1 30% and over wan2 70% from 8 am until 12 am, and after 12am become 50% , 50%). 


Best Regards,

New Contributor

Hi there.first of all I suggest that you can just have a look at this guide

New Contributor

Thanks for your post,

i read the book but i didn't found anything about control bandwidth.

best regards,


One other thing that will solve the problem is if you can use forti Wan load balancer. Forti Wan is a device that you can deploy between your internal lan and wan links.However I`m not really sure about the quickest method that you can help.

New Contributor

ok, i will see. 

I especially like to know if there is an equipment which will allow to manage the time range for the load blancing as described in the subject.(pass over the wan1 30% and over wan2 70% from 8 am until 12 am, and after 12am become 50% for wan1 , and 50% for wan2). 


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